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Join 3 Million+ smart people to discover new ideas, learn new things, improve yourself and inspire others.

Knowledge in Deepstash comes in the form of ideas, represented as little cards you can read at a glance. Ideas are short notes that condense profound thoughts into simple sentences. They could be: the best ideas from a book or article, inspiring quotes, practical tips on any topic. Each idea belongs to a topic, from #marketing to #leadership and #philosophy, which you can follow.

Ideas are created by users just like you. Whenever you read a book, article or listen to a podcast and find a concept, a thought or quote that is worth saving, remembering and sharing, you can add an idea about it in Deepstash. You see the source of the idea right in your feed.

What to do with ideas? They are fundamental to your wellbeing, success in life or your career. Ideas can make you: