Learn English vocabulary words by category as mentioned below.

- Phrasal Verbs - Use of the most frequently used English phrasal verbs
- Idioms - Use of the most frequently used English idioms and 250 common English idioms to help you improve your writing and speaking skills.
- Proverbs - Use of the most frequently used English proverbs
- Word Pairs
- Opposites
- Confusing Words
- Blended Words
- Personality & Character
- Words Instead Of VERY
- Types Of Fear/Phobia
- Types Of Mania
- Types Of Weather
- Types Of Money
- List Of Natural Disasters
- Collective Nouns
- Symbol Names
- Numbers Names
- Many more topics

- Learn English vocabulary by list of the above categories.
- Attend English vocabulary test.
- Attend quiz and learn by reading explained answers.
- Check the progress for all the topics.
- Play audio for the exact pronunciation.
- Have given usage example for the each word.