


What happened? It's been a year since I've downloaded fictif and I've exhausted every story. When Nixhydra still owned the app there were constant updates. For an app with a gallery of stories you guys gotta keep on maintaining updates. I'm aware that there are events from the discord server, but it's not enough for the fans that want more of the stories. It's been literal months since a new chapter or story has been added. Please be quick to find new teams and make this problem a priority.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年04月28日

Thanks for your feedback! We're sorry for any disappointment caused by the halt in updates by the previous company. Rest assured, we're maintaining the original Fictif app. We'd love to hear which stories you want more of! Reach us at support@dorian.live or join our Discord at discord.gg/dorian.



Automatically exits... I cam't even open it anymore no matter what I do.



It's such a cute cat themed game. The art style is so consistent and since there's a story that comes with your progression.... it doesn't feel boring.



The story was pretty good in the first season. It's actually a combination of clichéd plot twists and concepts but they managed to make it interesting which is actually hard to pull off. But a small complaint... Season 2 felt really rushed... I'm quite disappointed... especially the ending.... Also... The premium choices... They're killing me.... Please make the prices lower or provide more mini games.



I'm in love with the concept and graphics. I mean... How can I not?! Just kinda bummed out that some items are hella expensive. VIP kinda helps? But other than that... This game is awesome. If you're patient and not into super cliché stuff... This is the game for ya!!!
