


Hell yeah.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年04月30日

Thank you for your review!



This game is dead to me. Thanks, playducky. Thanks a lot for capitalizing off this used-to-be fun game. It was fun because of the creative freedom it had and the fact that mods were free...

Google LLC


Dear Google team, it appears that my app won't let me save the picture that I've edited. It'd be really nice if either you guys fix this if this is a server problem or if I can get a good workaround to this.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年03月15日

Hi Jerem. We're sorry to hear you're having trouble. We suggest that you take a look at this article: goo.gle/37eSSXM to fix problems with the app. If the problem persists, we ask that you post a topic in the Google Photos Help Forum to get help from our experts: goo.gle/3o5JIVl. Thanks.

Google LLC


Honestly, sometimes the app just doesn't want to translate. Like, I want to translate something from english to Filipino, but the output would just stay english. You fellas had one job and y'all ain't doing it right, please do it right next time.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年03月07日

Hi there. Thanks for reaching out. Let's try the troubleshooting steps in this guide: https://goo.gle/2rJSqBE. If the issue still persists, please create a post in the Google Translate Help Community to get help from our community of experts: goo.gle/2tkDc6j. Thanks.



Ah sweet crinkles, it's good again.



Dear design executives, your choice of design on the new update looks horrible. You people really have low standards for "nice and clean" looks, huh? Just take one look at what you did to the app that already looked good enough. If it isn't broken, then don't try to fix it. Leave it be

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年01月29日

Hi, Jerem. Thanks for the feedback! You can also send it here: Google Drive app > Menu > Help & Feedback. Appreciate it!

Bytedance Pte. Ltd.


One, horrible lag whenever I apply the glow effect on text. Two, it jumps to the timestamp when trying to lengthen text instead of just lengthening the text. Three, overall horrible experience

开发者回复 回复时间 2023年12月31日

Thank you for your feedback. By going to "Settings" > "Feedback" in the CapCut app, you could provide the corresponding draft video and your feedback to help us solve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

Klikki Lab


Horrible UI changes. Horrible. Why is there a large space in between the Bluetooth button and the scale? Who decided on this stupid change?! Couldn't y'all just extend the osciloscope/sound-menu or whatever it is to clear the space? Gosh...

Google LLC


𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝘼𝙇𝙇 (well except Jawed)



Is the reverb option gonna be out of experimental at some point or is it like a device sort of issue where there's nothing y'all can do?



There's better alternatives, trust me on this one



Ironic, the equalizer option didn't even equalize anything

开发者回复 回复时间 2023年10月08日

Hi jerem, we apologize for any inconvenience caused❤️. Our music player leverages the built-in equalizer of your device. On certain devices, this built-in equalizer might occasionally malfunction. We assure you that we are dedicating our efforts toward resolving this issue in order to enhance your user experience. Best wishes to you!🌹



Bug report: "A" always auto corrects into "Æ" despite me never using that letter in my whole life. Could y'all perhaps just make an "autocorrect words block list?" Like a customizable list that prevents the autocorrect from using that specific word/letter? This BS is annoying when I write in ALL CAPS! (You're an idiot, retarded, horribly raised, barely disciplined, and perhaps a virgin if you don't fix these bugs. and if you ignore this review, I will twitter DM you daily until I'm satisfied)



Very cool, extensions are now available. You guys are gigachads for this👍👍👍

Meta Platforms, Inc.


1. Horrible 2. You deleted the "set your own status" feature 3. Chats take a while to load unlike before 4. WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT OF ADDING A "search in conversation" WHEN I CAN'T EVEN REVISIT THAT PART IN THE CHAT?! 5. ZUCK, YOU'VE RUINED THE APP TOO MUCH, JUST GO BACK TO YOUR STUPID JUNGLE TEMPLE AND BE A NORMAL LIZAHRD LIKE THE OTHERS

Ubisoft Entertainment


It's been like a year since I last played this game, and the gadgets/technology or whatever they're called still doesn't auto equip when I boot up the game unlike every other equippable option? I've spent a long time without this game, please, just fix this bug. It's been here for too long

开发者回复 回复时间 2023年06月25日

Hello! Have you tried reaching out to our support staff for assistance with this issue? You can find them here: https://ubisoft-mobile.helpshift.com/. They will do their best to help you!

reddit Inc.


Goodbye, old pal, I'll come back when 3rd party apps get back. SO LONG YOU CORPORATE BASTARDS



I still don't get why my phone keeps getting really really hot after an hour of playing this game but yeah, it's really good



I'm giving you guys a 4 star only because there's no bubble messaging option unlike in messenger. Either way, still pretty good tbh. THOUGH, CONSIDER MY SUGGESTION, I DON'T WANT TO HOP OFF MY MULTIPLAYER GAME JUST TO MESSAGE MY FRIEND AND HOP BACK IN, THAT WOULD KICK ME OUTTA THE GAME'S SERVER. SO PLEASE, in the most honest of words, could you ADD A BUBBLE MESSAGING OPTION FOR DISCORD, I just want a good messenger alternative, that's all



I loved it when the time surfer said "it's surfing time!" And surfed while having the power to reverse time. Truly the game of all time



English teacher told us to beat this game, speedran through, 1 hour, 17 mins, 30 secs. Truly the game of all time



Cuts mp3, does good job



Pay to win retarbs, ruined the game. If only you guys didn't make EVERY OTHER MODE ONLINE



Works great, is free, very nice, 10/10👍



you lied



This game had good potential, WE NEED UPDATES PLEASE



Alright PopCap, you win. I guess I can't pinata exploit anymore..... also the fact that you fixed that but didn't fix the random crashing when playing online really tells me that you've changed for the worse. I'm done here



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Atan games


Thanks gamer, really cool👍

开发者回复 回复时间 2022年06月29日

Thanks gamer, very cool! If you want to support our game, you could share it or make a reddit post on r/kickTheBilly
