


I like this game, but stuck on level six. See, this is a mobile version of the popular pc game Worlds Hardest Game. But when making this, the creator left out some important details...
1. Saving
This isn’t in the pc version, but being able to go back to where you were after leaving for a while would be very much appreciated.
2. Coins
So when you pick up a coin then go to a green space, in the pc version of you die after that then you still have that coin collected. Please add this feature to the mobile game, level 6 is 99% impossible without it
That’s really it, but I just want to say this is the only reasonable complaint. People complain about controls. I think they’re fine. People complain about speed. Also fine. People complain about not having a mute sound button. Guess what? Phones have sound down buttons. Overall, could use some work and I think I’ll stick to the pc version. If you want to play this game, use a computer. I don’t recommend installing. Also dev please listen to my requests. Anyway bye

Electronic Arts
Love this game


It’s a really fun and well made mobile version of an amazing game. I love it, I don’t know why it’s only 2.5 stars. Keep up the good work!

Love this game


Okay, I first downloaded this about a year and 3/4 of a year ago, and I love it. There are lots of dragons, I love the event islands, and my only wish is that you make it less pay to win. And please please PLEASE change how leagues work. Make it team you with equally powerful dragons, not equally leveled up people. Thanks and to anyone who reads this, definitely install. Have a great day! 😀

The Vibe Fitness Limited


It’s a scam. If you don’t pay you can’t do nothing. I’m really upset. This app looked so amazing and as a teenager looking to get in shape, I want something cool like this that DOESNT cost money, but this does cost money! Please at least offer SOME things without premium 😭
Oh and all the one star review responses are the same thing. They don’t actually read your review. Terrible costumer service.

开发者回复 回复时间 2023年04月04日

Hello, We’re sorry if you didn’t like what StrongHer has to offer. To inform you, StrongHer caters to people who would like to live a healthier and fitter life and we offer great workout programs as well as a nutrition system that’s backed by Science. We do acknowledge though that our app won’t suit everybody as every person have different needs, but we’re constantly working to add more features and make our app better. Hope you can give us another chance. Thank you.



To the developer- you clearly poured out a lot into making this. It feels real, not all “you should just spend your life meditating with this app and everything will magically be perfect” like a lot of other mental health apps are. And I really really appreciate that there aren’t a ton of ads or a premium you have to purchase in order to do anything.
Thank you for this!

Richard Nespithal
Could Be Great


Hey guys! I really hope the developers read this- if you do, plz reply! Anyways, this could be an awesome app, honestly, if it weren’t for the messy setup. I find it claustrophobic and messy. When I first go in I suppose it’s fine? A little unwelcoming but I don’t really mind. Then when I tried to create a chapter, it wouldn’t let me type a title. I didn’t really have one in mind anyway, so I let it slide, you know? Then I went to type the actual story and it wouldn’t even let me type, not to mention everything crowding around the typing space so I could hardly see.
I feel like this has a lot of potential, but it’s been a little messily designed. Anyway, I’ll give it another go in a couple weeks and I’ll update if my experience turned out better.
Thanks so much for reading and please have an awesome day!!

Open Time Labs, LLC


Look, I’m just a teen, I don’t exactly have money for premium. I can totally understand limiting the amount of bfs or whatever, but waiting 2 HOURS between chats after only like 5 messages??? I mean, come ON. I want to enjoy this app sooo badly, it looks pretty awesome, but FIVE MESSAGES EVERY TWO HOURS???
Oh yeah, and the guy just kept saying the same things. He asked me what I wanted to do after high school over and over again, and when I pointed out that he kept repeating himself he literally said “I know. So what do you want to do after High School?” UGHHH

开发者回复 回复时间 -

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear you are disappointed with our app. Unfortunately, we cannot make the app free, and subscriptions are the only way we can continue working on improving our project. As you can see, our app is completely ad free. Never the less, we will try to take your comments into account to make the app better for you.
