
WARGAMING Group Limited
Keep deleting my reviews.


I see why the rating is so high for this scam of a game. A lot of bad reviews aren’t posted or are deleted. Just like all my previous ones. Amazing how Apple and these games are able to get away with this. Lawsuit.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年05月05日

Hello! Please be kindly informed that we do not remove any reviews. We’re sorry you had a bad experience. We’ll strive to do better. Please contact our support team and let us know what can we do to make the game better! We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to your reply!

WARGAMING Group Limited
Major cheating and scamming


This scam of a game has gotten out of control with all the cheating. It’s just nonstop. I haven’t played in like a month and I’m still being matched against level 20 iron claw shirt people. That shirt makes their balls the same width as the alley basically. So yeah it’s a guaranteed perfect game for them all the time. I’m not allowed to get the iron claw shirt since I believe you have to win it in a tournament or something. But poor people aren’t allowed to play the tournament since it costs $25 to play. Or 1.5 billion chips. But I can’t get any chips since I can’t win a game because I’m matched against cheaters all the time. Everything costs so much money in this scam of a game. It’s a joke. I can barely play any of the games. If you want another chance in a strike shot game or some other game they have it costs 500 million chips. For one more chance. Like what!?!? I should get like 10 or more chances for that price. I guess it’s a legal way to steal and scam people.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年04月26日

We're sorry to hear that your experience wasn't as good as you hoped it would be. We hope to provide you with a more enjoyable experience in the future. Your feedback is important to us, and we want to ensure that our game meets the needs of all our players. We hope to see you in Bowling Crew again!

WARGAMING Group Limited
Game was awesome


This game was awesome for about a week. Then they started cheating and scamming. Everything costs like a million dollars. I can’t even play in a tournament because there is some stupid made up pink chips now with no clue how to get them. Or else I have to pay $25. That’s a joke. Insanely expensive. My balls are at a level 12 and I am constantly matched against people with level 17 or higher balls. Its costs thousands of gold bars if you want to upgrade your ball faster which that many gold bars costs hundreds of dollars. I guess the developers are trying to get less and less people to play the game. That’s a weird goal to have in my opinion. Seems to be how these scamming games work now a days. Like why couldn’t you just keep the game fun and fair. Once they see your not spending money that when they bring out the super cheaters. All the progress I made seems to be a waste now since I can’t really play anymore since I can’t win one game anymore.

开发者回复 回复时间 2024年01月03日

Hello! Thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear that Bowling Crew disappointed you this way, and we'll continue improving it with updates and new content. We hope you will find future versions of the game more enjoyable!

The cheating never ends.


Come on already. You are now just making me miss super easy shots. I line them up perfectly and check every angle and it’s perfect. Get and easy wind of 5.7mph or 6.0mph. Two different games and both of them you made me miss. They were hit perfect. Dead in the middle of the red line and lined up perfectly. And yet I miss by a lot. So now you sabotage my wind circle because I call out your cheating. Anything you can do to screw over and discriminate against the poor.



Looks like they finally brought the cheating to the challenges. This bald eagle 3 challenge is ridiculous. They are making me miss perfectly lined up and perfectly hit shots. While everyone else misses the red line and their ball goes in. Mine misses by a lot. I’ve never missed so many shots in this challenge. It’s a joke. So either my wind circle is messed up or the developers are doing this on purpose. No way am I missing all these perfectly hit and lined up shots. Not when I am checking all angles and see my shot meter stop dead in the middle of the red line. I mean they are making me miss easy ones like 5.8mph or even 6.0mph. Yeah that’s basically impossible to line up wrong. Developers are scam artists.

Wow. New cheat for the level 9’s


Wow just wow. Now the level 9’s can use their Phoenix or cardinal club from the rough. Just had a match where he hit it in the rough so he shouldn’t of been able to reach the hole. Not to worry. The developers made sure he could make it in the hole by letting him use his Phoenix club from the rough. What a joke this scam of a game has become. It’s a shame. Anything they can think of to do for these level 9’s they do. It’s just non stop cheating. I should even be matched against these level 9’s when I’m a level 6. It’s a joke. Keep up the cheating. It’s the only thing you know how to do I guess.



Obviously today is full on cheat mode day. Al level 9 legendary clubs that can miss the red line and not line and the ball still goes in. While I line mine up perfect and hit it dead perfect in middle of red line and my ball misses. Even if I use a 0mph ball and hit it dead perfect my ball misses. Or does something totally different.

Never ending cheating


Will I ever be able to play a fair game again? Not looking like it. Just nonstop level 9 legendary clubs while I’m at level 6. It’s a joke. Most of them have over 50,000 total games played over me. Some way more. Some only have like 3,000 total games played and that’s just not possible. Must be the developers screwing people over. Especially me. They all have tens of thousands of 0mph balls. Like they spend over a thousand dollars a day on balls and clubs. Either way it isn’t possible. Don’t care how much you spend. Unless the developers give them cheats. Probably the case. It’s just constant cheating. I can’t even tell you the last time I was matched against someone on my level. It’s been months at least. Doesn’t matter if I lose ten games in a row. Next match is a level 9 cheater. Developers don’t care. They just block you when you call out their cheating. They are some of the biggest scum of the earth. Straight discrimination.

Cheating cheating cheating


That’s all there is anymore. Nonstop cheating. Played ten games in a row. Every single game I was matched against a level 9 of all legendary clubs. They basically can get a hole in one from anywhere. It’s a joke. Especially since they all have thousands of 0mph balls. I’m a level 6 legendary club so there’s absolutely 0% chance I have at winning. That’s not a game. It’s a scam. Developers don’t care. They seem to encourage cheating.

Developers encourage cheating


This is ridiculous now. Didn’t think it could get more ridiculous than before but the developers never cease to amaze me in the cheating aspect. Their match making is insane. I’m matched against level 9 legendary club people nonstop. Basically every game. I’m a level 6. It’s not even a game. I have 0% chance of winning. They can just get hole in ones on everything 99.9% of the time. All they use are 0mph balls for every shot. Even if it’s an easy wind of 6.0mph they’ll use one. Why not they have thousands of dollars worth of them. While I got like teeny dollars worth. They cost a fortune. Pricing is ridiculously high. The developers scam me out of those because they make me go first against these level 9’s all the time. So 90% of mine are wasted. Some of these level 9’s have like 3,000 total games played. That’s just not possible so they got cheats somehow or it’s the developers or a bot. Either way there’s plenty of them. I get matched against the same ones a lot. Then they make me lose connection when I’m about to hit the ball. Or a new one that’s a good cheat is where I hit the ball and while my ball is mid air my whole shot just resets. No spin or anything. But the time doesn’t reset of course. Seems to always happen against the level 9’s too. There’s many more cheats. Do the developers do anything about it? Nope they just block me from contacting their support for calling them out on their cheating and they blocked me from making reviews on here. I guess AppStore is in on it too. Idk why you think your so important and above everyone else. Especially for what you charge. Anyway you can go ahead and delete this one too. I’ll still continue to do these reviews since you won’t stop cheating. Or I’ll find another way for complaints.



Been playing this game for awhile now. I know the wind circles very well. Well at least I did. The developers seemed to of changed mine. And only mine. I used to have no problems lining up shots and making them. Now I almost never make any shots. And if I’m going to do a bounce shot it’s basically impossible to do unless I use a 0mph ball and even the. It’s still not accurate somehow. Even if I hit it dead in the middle of the red line with a 0mph ball, my ball will miss the hole or do some kind of totally different bounce and end up in the rough or out of bounds. Never happens to the level 8’s and 9’s tho. Even if we have the same wind and line it up exactly the same. Theirs will go in or do exactly what they want even if they miss the red and yellow line. While I hit mine dead in the middle and nope miss. Or in the water. It’s a joke now. The constant cheating for these level 8’s and 9’s is so insane now. As if they need the developers to cheat for them when their just going to use a 0mph ball and dunk it in from the tee. This scam of a game just isn’t a game anymore. The developers keep making the cheating worse and worse and even more worse. All day I haven’t been able to play one fair game. Not one person on my level. Out of about 35 or more games. That’s ridiculous. Do they care. Doubt it. Their prolly laughing at us poor folks.



This is just ridiculous now. The cheating is up to 100% now. I am matched against level 9 legendary club people every single game. Some have only played a total of 1000 games and somehow have all level 9 legendary clubs. Just not possible. Then they have hundreds of all different kinds of 0mph balls. I am forced to go first on every match and every draw. The developers don’t care and seem to encourage cheating. Or else I’m matched against level 9’s that have played 50,000 or more total games than me. Which that is believable that they have level 9’s. Still I’m no match against them. It can’t be called a game if you have 0% chance of winning. Now even if I use a 0mph ball and hit it dead perfect in the middle of the red line I somehow miss the hole. It happens a lot now. So many 0mph balls have been stolen from me. It’s become a joke. The developers don’t give you any money back or balls back that you paid for when they scam them out of you. They also will just make me lose connection out of nowhere and I can’t get back into the game. It always happens when a level 9 actually messes up and I have a slight chance of winning or getting to a draw at least. But nope connection just drops and you can’t get back into the game at all until you run out of time and lose the match. I was very good at this game until all this cheating came about. There was always cheating but it was never this bad. I can’t even really play the game anymore. I’ve played like 30 games today and won a total of 1 game. And for someone that’s really good at this game this should not be the case. Even if the level 9’s miss the red and yellow line on their shot meter the ball still goes into the hole for them. Where if I’m a hair off the red line my ball misses the hole by like 10 yards. Wouldn’t be surprised if they sabotaged my gridline too. It’s just one cheat after another now and the developers do not care one bit. They just keep making it worse.

All cheating games.


It has gotten so much worse. Every game is a cheating game now. Whether it’s a level 9 legendary club that has played 100,000 more games than me or else it’s a level 9 that has played a total of 100 games. It’s not possible to get level 9 with 100 games. It’s not even possible to get level 4 with 100 games. That’s how I know it’s just cheaters in this game. The have an unlimited amount of 0mph balls. These are the only people I’m matched against. The developers say it’s random but there nothing random about every single game. They just keep making it worse. They used to at least throw in a fair game here and there before. Not anymore though.

Will the cheating ever end?


Night doubtful. Now it’s just every single game is cheating. Nonstop I am matched against level 9’s with thousands of 0mph balls. And it’s all they use. Plus now when I use a 0mph it’s not actually a 0mph ball or my gridline is not correct. My gridline will show the ball going in the hole or directly over it. And yet my ball goes to the left by like 5 yards and I hit it dead in the middle of the red line. It’s like the developers purposely make the poor people lose. If you spend a ton of money. Your 0mph balls are actually 0mph balls. If you don’t then good luck. Who knows where your ball will land if you use a 0mph ball. Gridline won’t help you. This happens all the time now too. It’s just one cheat after another. Seems like that’s all the developers do is look for new ways to cheat and screw over poor people.

Major discrimination


All this scam of a game does is discriminate against poor people. It’s been months since I have played anyone below level 8 legendary clubs. Plus I go first in everything. Whether it’s the match or the draw or a double draw. Doesn’t matter I am made to go first in all of them against level 8 and 9 legendary club people. That all have played 30,000 more games than me at the least. It’s a joke. I couldn’t tell you the last time I played a fair game. All these level 8 and 9 legendary club people do is use 0mph balls for every shot. And just get hole in ones from teeing off constantly. I can’t even make it to the green. Do the developers care. Nope. They seem to encourage cheating. Plus there is just nonstop bots. No way all these people are this perfect on every single shot. Especially when I am playing the same people over and over.

PlaySimple Games Pte Ltd
Making up words


Pyjamas was a word on here. Well they didn’t even know what it meant because I clicked on the word to see what the dictionary said it meant. What do you know there was a problem connecting to the internet. But I could click on all the other real words and it had no problem giving me the definition. And then they had to throw in the other word pyjama. With out the s. I figured it out still. But come on. Give real words.

Never ending cheating


This is just insane. I was just matched against a guy that had level 9 of all legendary clubs while I’m only at level 6. Plus he had played a total of 106,000 games, while I have only played 10,000 games total. Yeah that’s correct 106,000 games. He had like quadruple the amount of holes in ones than I did of total games played. This happens all the time too. No wonder they are at level 9’s and move up the ladder so quickly because they are always matched against people way lower in clubs than they are. So they just dunk it in the hole off the tee with one of their thousands of 0mph balls while I can’t even make it to the green with a super elastic ball. Pretty much every game is like this. That’s how much the developers cheat and screw over their customers. I would say that 99.99% of this so called game is cheating. Whether it’s these level 9’s or it’s bots. Either way I couldn’t tell you the last time I played a fair game with someone on my level. Do the developers care? Not one bit at all.

Bots and cheaters nonstop


Can you stop with the cheating already. And stop with the level 8 and 9 legendary club bots too. There is no way they have those clubs with 2000-7000 games played. Just not possible. So has to be a bot or you just give them those clubs and probably pay them to screw over players like me who are good at the game and only spend little to no money at all. Probably why you charge so much for anything in this scam of a so called game. Just let us play fairly already. I know there’s plenty of people around my skill level that have around the same clubs. Yet I never see them anymore. I did in the beginning but have not seen them in months now. You pretty much force people to stop playing this game due to your ridiculous game matching. I should not be matched against someone with all level 9 legendary clubs plus they have played 90,000 games. I am at 8,000 games played. They have more hole in ones than I do of games played. And this just comes down to who has the better club. Guess what it’s not me. It’s never me. I know it’s by far your biggest complaint and you do absolutely nothing about it. It’s a shame.

Never ends


This is ridiculous. This happens way too much. It was my turn for the draw going first of course and I lose connection. And it won’t connect again. The game has been fine I’ve been playing for awhile now but as soon as I play kingdom and get to the draw it’s time for the developers to cheat and make you lose connection to make sure the level 8 batwing wins the match. This happens all the time now. I see why so many people stop playing this game all together. It’s just non stop cheating.



Could someone please tell me what it is like to play a fair game. I wouldn’t know. Every single game I am matched against level 9 of all legendary club people who are also emperors. I have not had the luxury of getting emperor yet since I can’t seem to get any fair games. Plus I am only level 6 legendary clubs. You’d think I’d get a fair game here and there but nope. Pretty much never. I get like one for every 100 games. Plus these people have all played over 60,000 games while I’m at 9,000. Occasionally I get the level 9 that has only played like 3,000 games. Yeah ok. That’s impossible even with unlimited money. Game is a scam.



Cheaters that delete bad reviews instantly.



All this game does now is make you lose connection while your about to hit the ball. It’s like all the time now. Especially on promotion battles it happens all the time now. Except it doesn’t happen against the people your playing against. The level 8 I was playing against was disconnected the whole amount of time they give. Like 45 seconds. I saw it count down to 0 and yet they still let him come back. The developers would of never let me come back like that. Even if I had 5 seconds left they would still just let it count to 0 and just end the game. Not when it happens to my opponent though of course. All these developers do is give advantages to level 8 legendary club people while screwing over the people that don’t spend that much money on the game. One giant scam

Insane amount of cheating


Good lord is this ever going to stop. I finally get a level 7 batwing. Every other legendary club of mine is at level 6. The moment I get to duke V the cheating really kicks in. I am matched against level 9 of every single legendary club. Plus they are all emperor status. It’s become a joke. It’s been a joke with all their cheating but this is just insane. Now the draw matches are usually with woods. Of course because I finally got a level 7 batwing. Anything this scam of a game can do to screw you over they will most certainly do. Before I couldn’t even make it to the green with my level 6 batwings and now they give draw matches to where you need a level 7 wood to get to the green. It’s just amazing they can give draw matches where you have a 0% chance of winning. Or even making it to the green.

Cheating cheating cheating.


Every single time I actually tie a level 8 legendary club person, we get a draw match that only they can win on. I can’t even make it to the green with a super bouncy ball while they can just use a regular kangaroo ball and get a hole in one. While I can’t even make it pass the rough and land like 60 yards from hole. Please explain to me how that is not a scam. A draw match that I have 0% chance of winning. Not even 0.1% chance of winning. Just a straight up 0% chance. Plus they have the wind blowing straight back just to make sure I can’t make it. If I get matched against a level 6 by some miracle it’s a normal draw match to where we both can make it in the hole. Once I’m matched against a level 8 which is 99.999% of the time I get the draw holes to where I can’t even come close to making it to the green. Unreal all the cheating going on in this game. This stupid draw holes have been going on for awhile now too so they obviously don’t care that anyone lower than a level 7 can’t make it to the green. What a scam you got going on.

Will it ever end?


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play a fair game again it looks like. I haven’t had one fair game in like 2 weeks of playing every day. Every single game I am matched against level 8 or level 9 legendary club people while I’m at level 6. All they do is use one of their 1,000 0mph balls on every single shot. So they just get hole in ones from teeing off on par 5. While I can’t even make it to the green with an elastic ball of 250%. I am forced to go first in the match and the draw if I’m lucky enough to even get to the draw. Like why can’t I play against any level 6 people which is where I’m at. Why is every single game a cheating game. It doesn’t matter how many games I lose in a row. I am still matched against level 8 or 9’s. I’ve lost 25 games in a row before and was still matched against a level 9 the next game. This is a scam. They charge an arm and a leg to get special balls and then I am forced to waste them due to unfair matches that I have to go first in every single time.

Constant cheating still.


This is unbelievable. Out of the 40 games I played today, not a single game was a fair game. Every single game I was matched against a level 8 or 9 legendary club person. I’m at level 6. They make me go first on the match and the draw every single time. Then they will give a draw where I can’t even make it to the green. I only have enough power to hit it to the rough. And that’s with a 250% elastic ball. While they can just basically dunk it in the hole without any sort of special ball. But of course they just use a 0mph ball anyway because they are the least skilled people in the game. They spend thousands of dollars a day on 0mph balls so they don’t even have to play. Plus even if they miss the middle red line and even the middle yellow line the ball still goes in for them. If I’m even a hair off the middle red line my ball misses by like ten yards. It’s just amazing that I can lose that many games in a row and I am still being matched against level 8 and 9 people. Not a single fair game to played yet today. Or really any other days for that matter. This scam of a game cheats 99.9999999% of the time. I think they are going for 100% cheating because they obviously have no desire to stop screwing over their customers. Not one game did I play against a level 6. Not once.

Now it’s level 9 cheaters


This is unbelievable. As if nonstop level 8 legendary club people wasn’t bad enough. Now I’m being matched against level 9 legendary club cheaters. I am level 6 legendary club. This is a joke. Also like 100% top spin isn’t enough for the bat wing I guess when your level 9 you get to do more than 100% top spin somehow. They get an extra top spin bar meter. Plus they can hit the ball 400 yards farther than me without any sort of special ball while I use a special ball. This is insane. Who are the developers for this game, they are a joke. It’s constant cheating in this scam of a so called game. Level 9, are you guys nuts. I can’t even beat level 7 or 8 and now I’m being matched against level 9 nonstop. Of course you guys don’t care. You love screwing over your customers. I guess why not if you can get away with it. No way to contact you or file a complaint. You just delete bad reviews. Must be nice to not have a care in the world. SCUM!

Insane amount of cheating.


This is just ridiculous at this point. Why am I being matched against king level 8 legendary club people when I have been demoted all the way down to marquis level. And I am a level 6 legendary club. They are at king level and I am at marquis. This is just crazy. I was at king level until you kicked your cheating into super high gear. Now I am at marquis level. That’s how much cheating has been going on. Every single game is a king level 8. So you can’t say it’s random. This is deliberate. You are screwing over your customers on purpose. Just let us play fair games. And stop deleting bad reviews. I bet the real review of this game is probably 2.0 stars.



Unbelievable I am still being matched against level 8 people nonstop. I was at king 1 now I’m all the way demoted to marquis. All due to being matched against level 8 legendary club people every single time. It has been over 50 games in a row of losing every single one and I am still being matched against level 8 people when I am at level 6 only. They all have played over 40,000 games while I’m at 8,000 games. They all have thousands of 0mph balls while I have none. It’s a joke. It’s a scam. It’s theft. It’s unbelievable. It never ends. Just straight up cheating and scamming their customers without a care in the world.



Here we go again. Another dead perfect shot right In the middle with a 0mph ball and my ball misses the hole on the draw so the level 7 bat wing that I was matched against could beat me by .6 yards. All they do is cheat for level 7 and 8 people as if they need to be cheated for. Game is a scam. Can’t even call it a game since it isn’t even close to being fair matches.
