
My absolute favorite Git client... on ANY platform.


I had the relatively unique experience of coming to Git, mobile-first, via this very application on my iPhone 8 Plus, almost exactly 4 years ago. Thanks to GitHub's Education program, I've had access to unlimited repository creation since that first day, and it's honestly quite a testament to the power of Working Copy just how much of a mess I made in those initial few months.
Now on my iPad Pro, I keep so many repos (89 as of this writing) that I have an automation that maintains a browsable index of the lot (which is, itself, a testament to Working Copy's incredibly comprehensive and solid Siri Shortcuts support.)

Jorge Garcia Armero
Best compression/extraction utility on the platform


By far the most delightful compression/extraction utility for macOS (imo) is somewhat diminished in delightfulness in its mobile form, though not in its pure functionality. From the perspective of a year one iOS user with plenty of experience exploring what alternatives have been offered since the introduction of the File Provider API in iOS11, Keka for iOS/iPadOS' shear speed is distinct enough from its few platform competitors to warrant the title of Best such utility on the platform.
Also unique/notable:
- [Open Source]
- Unique support for compression of entire directories outside the app's respective system folder(s)

Magical, irreplaceable.


As developer Anders Borum originated professional-grade git integration on iOS with Working Copy, which remains unmatched, Secure Shellfish remains the reference standard for remote filesystem access across the board on this platform, despite how many competitors have arisen since its introduction.
I must admit: I overlooked Secure Shellfish for years and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm glad that ended last year, though, as I've actually since acquired a fair amount of remote file management in my day-to-day working life. Shellfish's magic isn't necessarily obvious, but I promise you it is worth finding out, and what may at first glance look like a somewhat disjointed series of functions actually comes together to form an absolutely irreplaceable application.

Agile Tortoise
Very possibly the best dictionary app on the platform... still.


Depending on your purpose for a dictionary app, this is the best one on iOS. I use mine to both look up established words and store words I’ve “created.” A lot of the words I want to store come from @HaggardHawks on Twitter, and most of them are both 1.) actual words, often from history and 2.) not in any established dictionaries. These do not show up in apps like LookUp, which will leave you plumb out of luck. Terminology, however, lets me store definitions/other information for “new” words via its “notes” function. To be honest, I can’t imagine moving through life and not creating my own words from time to time, but I understand we’re all different.
If you’re a Drafts user, I would consider Terminology an absolute must-have. It took me five minutes to establish actions on both apps which allow me to lookup selected words with a keyboard shortcut (⇧D) from the former instantly in the latter and - with a single tap - return definitions, synonyms, and antonyms to a new draft. It’s wonderful, absolutely indispensable, and fun!

Nicolas Holzschuch
The notable boundary-pusher of local command line functions on iOS/iPadOS


There are now quite a few terminal emulator-esque apps on the App Store, but I've been using a-Shell since it was joined only by Blink (from which it was forked) and iSH. As it was then, a-Shell remains the only one of these with which one can actually accomplish command line tasks *locally* beyond screwing around. I am ultimately not a command line native, and I don't have the basic theory beneath my use of Python scripts, yet I've been able to accomplish startlingly powerful things within this app, thanks in large part to gracious and immediately-available support via the project's Discord server.
If you've found yourself here by way of a Siri Shortcut's requirement, I would encourage you to take the time to investigate the commands said shortcut(s) run - try running them yourself!



As much as I might've wanted to tell you I was *better* than the Dark Mode phase, the truth is, the ability to darken a blinding web page with a single keyboard shortcut (`^⌥N`) has literally changed my browsing life. I have asked so much of this extension - dozens of custom themes, tens of thousands of domain preference entries - and it does stumble sometimes!... But its by far the best supported of the many hyped dark mode Safari Extensions on this marketplace, and its balance of control granularity is literally priceless.

Simon B. Støvring
I Am No Longer Afraid of JSON


All of Simon’s apps are genius and wholly unique, but Jayson will always have a special place in mine own heart as the single application which finally killed my phobia of JSON, in general. It is by far the most elegant and intelligent means of manipulating JSON dictionaries I’ve ever seen on any platform. I’ve worked with both the iOS and macOS apps, now, and both are - dare I say it - a genuine joy to use. BUY!

Long-Awaited, Elegantly-Executed


Somehow, this 1.4 MB, virtually inconfigurable, single-use application manages to be one of the most powerful audio manipulation tools on iOS. Those who remember maintaining a GarageBand install *just because they occasionally needed to trim audio files* will celebrate. One of very few apps I’ve come across that I absolutely wouldn’t change at all but would pay much more for.

Looks great but it’s still Tumblr


The app works extraordinarily smoothly on my 8 Plus. It’s a shame themes can’t be better expressed on mobile, but I can’t otherwise imagine improving much in terms of the app itself. The network as a whole, on the other hand...

Build Passed, LLC
Finally! A tasteful, useful, and delightful use of widgets.


I am not a widget man. As an iPhone-only user, I generally find them obtrusive and less-than-useful, and have since their introduction. Hourology, though, really is a revelation. Having run out of working wristwatches and switched to working mostly from my phone, I’ve kept the single Hourology widget on my number one homescreen for the past week or so and found it ideal. (This is a big deal, believe it or not.) The configurability is stellar and *so* worthwhile for something you look at every day. I’m very glad the level of customization was included despite this perception that End Users are scared of taking control of their own technology. I feel like whomever came up with the idea for Hourology and I would make great friends hehe.

Opera Software AS
Speed and Frugality are No Joke


I have absolutely no idea how - considering all browsers on iOS are WebKit based - but this is *by far* the *fastest browser on this operating system*. If *speed* is truly your number one priority above all other considerations when browsing the web, here ya go. Frankly, I’ve continued to be bewildered for years, now, as to why general tech media has not mentioned Opera - or its “gaming browser” experimental counterpart, Opera GX - if not for any other reason than to chide it. It’s one of the few interesting questions within the subject of web browsing software at the moment.
Unfortunately, Opera is literally the only browser on iOS I’ve found with *absolutely zero* Bluetooth keyboard support. I use a hardware keyboard with my *iPhone* every day, so it is pretty much a non-option for me.
(Hey devs: you ever have a rainy day or something, look into UIKeyCommand.)

A Privilege to Continue Using


As I wrote in my lengthy, somewhat sentimental, self-reflective review of Tweetbot 6 (found at bilge.world,) this app is the best way to experience Twitter in 2021.
It’s the most reliable Twitter client:
> …both Tweetbot 6 and Tweetbot 5 have been demonstrably more reliable for me in the past few months than Twitter’s native app, which has been crashing multiple times per day on my devices for quite a while during regular use.
Why? Here’s a quote from developer Paul Haddad:
> We’re definitely slow. We go over every screen, every detail over and over again until we get it right.
_Every screen, every detail over and over again_. Honestly - while I could just be unduly loyal, at this point - not only is Tweebot worth the price, it’s a _privilege_to use such a considered piece of software at that price. If you regularly use Twitter, you’d be silly not to pay up right now.

The Best Social App on iOS


Toot! is the most beautiful social app I've ever seen, both in functionality and visual design - and I've seen a lot. I've been using it as my primary mobile Mastodon client since November 2018. It's colorful, smooth, clever, and has rarely - if ever - crashed. I wish I could use it for Twitter, to be honest. It's not just the best Mastodon app right now - it's the best social app, period.

Co-Star Astrology Society
This is What Digital Astrology Services Should Look Like


I've been invested enough in astrology to declare Co-Star the most thoughtfully-executed of any digital property I've ever seen in this space. It's far more intuitive, comprehensive, and clever than web-based services both legacy and new. It is a pleasant and genuinely contemplative place to be. From all I've seen so far, it seems to be the perfect platform, indeed, for "bringing astrology into the 21st-century."

Finally, the Software Unicode Dorks Deserve


I’ve nev­er under­stood why I nev­er see any­one mak­ing use of the vast cat­a­logue of near­ly 140,000 stan­dard Uni­code sym­bols avail­able in their social media posts, meta­da­ta, or word art. Like replac­ing stan­dard bul­lets in our week­ly newslet­ter with ◎ (U+25CE,) — prob­a­bly my all-time favorite, or using strings of four char­ac­ters for intro, ad, and sta­tion iden­ti­fi­ca­tion spots on our online radio. (☉☉☉☉, for instance.) I’d like to think these uses make their expe­ri­ences feel just a bit more unique to users — if only uncon­scious­ly — but I’d long won­dered if I was in fact the last Uni­code enthu­si­ast alive.
Con­trary to what may seem obvi­ous, UniChar’s char­ac­ter selec­tor is by far the more intu­itive and effi­cient of these two sep­a­rate ways to use it. Even in the free expe­ri­ence, there are sim­ply too many char­ac­ters in the cat­a­log to rea­son­ably browse in iOS’ old extend­ed key­board. (For the record, I’d like to note that UniChar is tech­ni­cal­ly a “Ref­er­ence Appli­ca­tion,” but I under­stand if you can’t bring your­self to use the term.) Across both the seam­less­ly-inter­change­able gallery and list views, the user can very quick­ly copy a char­ac­ter to the clip­board with 3D Touch, which works so well it’s as if it were meant only for this use from its begin­ning.
In the off chance you’re a long­time lover and devout user of the grander Uni­code col­lec­tion and an iOS user, I hope you’re now expe­ri­enc­ing the same sort of pet­ty enthu­si­asm I felt myself when I dis­cov­ered it. If not, I hope you’ll take away a desire to explore it. I mean… aren’t these smi­leys way bet­ter than any emo­ji? ☺︎☺︎☺︎

开发者回复 回复时间 2019年09月20日

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughtful review. I’ve read it a few times and I love your enthusiasm for Unicode symbols. So I’m happy to reach out and let you know UniChar 7.0 includes a complete Unicode table, which I feel like you can appreciate! Also I wanted to say thanks for the suggestion to change the app‘s category to reference — done. Cheers!

Konstantin Adamov


Honestly, this is a gift. I’d had to use eemo.net on my iPhone for over 10 years until I discovered this. I have never been so grateful.

Looks great but it’s still Tumblr


The app works extraordinarily smoothly on my 8 Plus. It’s a shame themes can’t be better expressed on mobile, but I can’t otherwise imagine improving much in terms of the app itself. The network as a whole, on the other hand...

Dropbox, Inc.
*The* Best Cloud Word Processing/Notetaking Application Available


Dropbox Paper is the most profound single productivity tool I’ve ever added to my life. It’s so incredibly rare to encounter software to which I would not recommend a single change! I’d managed to integrate it so seamlessly into my daily work since its launch that it hadn’t occurred to me for far too long to write a review.
I can’t stand clutter or Google properties, and Evernote has been showing its age for years, so I was extremely excited when Dropbox Paper was announced. I’ve used it heavily and almost daily since its release in both my writing job and elsewhere. You would not believe how handy it is to have a clean, smooth, and live-synced word entry space so close at hand. I don’t see much reason to complain about what it *can’t* do considering that the alternative clumsy, feature-pumped legacy notetaking services will always be available should you need them, but you won’t.
I can only hope that Dropbox won’t feel the need to add more features.



This app is so pretty to look at and thoughtfully designed that it almost makes Reddit bearable!



I'm addicted to amphetamines been replacing my ideals in life with this game I worry about the date this game is no longer running because that day I will realize all the immoralities I've been continuing in my life and probably kill myself so that's why I gave it 5 stars.
