Meet new People, Make New Friends, and Build Communities. Discover what’s happening in and around your location, Multimedia, Events, Live forum, and much more with Orbiting - Social Networking Platform. Are you fed up with finding irrelevant content on social apps? Try a community and location-based social media & event finder app to find out what's Orbiting around you. Build or Belong with meaningful connections on Orbiting, designed to provide users, creators, and businesses with a modern digital infrastructure to connect to people with similar interests. Social network platform built with the purpose of saving the most precious thing 'TIME'. While beholding real-life values like Freedom and Democracy. Download the social network app, Create your own Orbit, Organize your Digital life more efficiently. **Connect with People and Make New Friends** Welcome Beautiful Soul, We invite you to become part of our community in our next generation social platform. We at Orbiting believe in merging local with global and I with us. Use Orbiting to Experience world 1st location & community based social network and event finder. The photo, video, and messenger platform makes it easy to discover and connect with people who have similar interests via communities, chat channels, and events, also known as the Orbiting Chakra. Those with similar interests share Orbits, which are either public or private. **Discover location based** With Orbiting Chakra, we encourage users to take control of their feed, View and Interact with what’s important to you. - Filter Content from 2km Radius to World. - Gamification of Content- With an opportunity to shine local to global. - Be the most viewed to most commented photo/video. - Make new friends with help of Chakra - Find Community based content near to your current geo-location. - Find out user-generated community-based events around you. Add more activity to your life by connecting to people around you sharing the same interest as you. **Build a Social Community or Belong** Communities are the cornerstone of human growth and we encourage everyone to build communities so that we can unify people. Real Strength is doing it together. - Start a Private or Public social Community known as Orbit - Public Orbits are democratic, Users elect their Admin every 6 months. - Add a Moderator team to help the community grow. - Post-Unlimited Photos\Videos. - Create Endless Events and meet new people with this event finder app - Make unlimited chat channels in each orbit. Each Orbit has the potential to become a micro-social media platform in its true sense. **Super Secure Multimedia Sharing Network** Security and Privacy are fundamental rights of every human and we ensured that we will try to keep the platform away from bots and trolls. - OTP based login - No Screenshot Policy - No Advertisements - For real we will never have ads on the platform. - Advance Share setting for each post, You can enable\disable comments, reshare or download settings. - Custom Audience - Now you can choose which post should be visible to which type of audience, create an unlimited audience list and share content only with them. **Level Above - Audio Captions for your Post** On Orbiting you can add Photos, Video, Events, Direct Messaging or Community Chat. We know you love posting and writing beautiful captions but on Orbiting for the 1st time you can record a post caption in your own beautiful voice. **Our Motive** We believe social media is a tool that is meant to create more activity in your life. We believe Next Generation must be equipped with a Social platform that encourages Togetherness, Community living, and most importantly values your most precious resource ‘Time’. **Upcoming Features of Orbiting - Social Networking Platform** Creators Module - Revenue Sharing Audio Rooms Long Videos Audio\Video Calling Join Orbiting - Social Networking Platform. We are young, We are new, We are you. Namaste