Expand your planning horizons Timestripe is a unique planner with flexible time frames. Planning your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime goals allows you to think strategically, have a clear vision, and focus on things that are really important to you. We call this planning system Horizons. Achieve more with step-by-step guides Big goals require a good plan, consisting of small, measurable and clear objectives. Timestripe helps you achieve your dreams with step-by-step educational programs for all kinds of goals. Fitness and health, finance and career, relationships and awareness. Organize your life with skill Organize endless lists of tasks, ideas, plans, movies to watch, books to read, anything you want to organize into an endless number of boards. Use a wide range of templates from our community to speed up your train of thought Share your best practices with others Create your own productivity templates, favourite movie lists, or share your bucket list with the world. And other beautifully crafted experience · Dark mode support · Color labels · Rich Text notes for your goals (subgoals, links, quotes, headlines and more) · Hashtags · Link goals between boards and calendar Users love Timestripe More than 70,000 people used Timestripe to change their lives for the better iF design awards 2018 Product Hunt #4 product of the week, December 2020