With H-E-B Mobile Pharmacy App, it’s like having your H-E-B pharmacy on your phone! Get started by logging in with your H-E-B account or by creating a new account. Manage all your prescriptions and access all the great services at your local H-E-B Pharmacy like immunizations and health screenings. Refill Your Prescriptions Scan your prescription bottle or select from a list of available prescriptions. If you are out of refills, your H-E-B pharmacy is there to help by contacting your doctor for you! You can also set up auto-refills, and H-E-B will automatically refill your prescription before you run out of medication and let you know when it is ready for pick up via text, email, and/or phone call. Review your Prescription History Get access to your prescription history. Custom filters help you find just what you are looking for. Review details about each of your prescriptions. Manage Prescriptions for Your Family Do you manage prescriptions for your household? H-E-B Pharmacy app can help you can manage prescriptions for your entire family and pets. Transfer all your Prescriptions Do you have prescriptions at more than one pharmacy? Get all your medications together in one place by transferring them to your H-E-B Pharmacy. Don’t forget your Pet You can fill your pet's medications, including heartworm prevention at H-E-B Pharmacy today. We have low cost generic medications and special compounding too.