AdBlock Max is an iOS Safari AdBlocker extension helping you block ads, third-party trackers & YouTube ads (supports Safari & iOS 15+ only) with one click. It simply works, without any complex configurations. Spend 10 seconds, turn on all AdBlock Max content blockers under Settings > Safari > Extensions. Enjoy ad-free browsing in Safari from now on. Features: - 1-click ad blocker set up. - Block ads anywhere in Safari. - Block annoying cookie prompts & banners. - Block social buttons. - Block YouTube Ads (iOS 15+ required) - Make website loading 4x faster. - Use less mobile data. - Dark mode support. - No ads, no account needed. - Fully supports iOS 16 Not working? Please make sure you have turned all content blockers on in iOS Settings app: Go to Settings > Safari > Extensions. No ads, no account needed. We do not collect any personal data. Privacy Policy: