Go paperless and discover the power of digital sheet music with our musical pdf reader. Listen to your scores thanks to our AI, collaborate instantly with your band, and benefit from all the tools you need in just one app. Approved by 400K+ users. > AI MUSIC RECOGNITION FOR YOUR SCORES Import your PDF sheet music or scan your scores and convert them to LiveScores, using our artificial intelligence. You can then listen to your score, generate playback for your musical practice, and export it to musicXML. > COLLABORATE WITH OTHER MUSICIANS Newzik is the best collaborative tool for teachers, bands, choirs and ensembles. Broadcast your scores and annotations in real-time with other musicians, and always remain up-to-date. > PDF TRANSPOSITION Transpose your PDF scores in one click. Newzik’s AI rewrites your scores for you. > ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO PERFORM Newzik offers embedded metronome, tuner and recorder. The app is compatible with bluetooth pedals, for hand-free page-turning. > YOUR SCORES ACCESSIBLE ON ANY DEVICE With Newzik, your music is safe: your library is stored in the Cloud. Thus, you can access it on any device. > OUR PRICING Trial Version: Try Newzik for free with your 3 first scores, and convert up to 10 pages into LiveScores using our AI. Newzik Essentials - One-time purchase: Store up to 1000 parts in the Newzik Cloud and access them on any device. Newzik Premium - Yearly subscription: Enjoy all the features of Newzik without limits: unlimited storage, unlimited LiveScore conversions, unlimited collaborative projects. Try it for free. Your Newzik Pro subscription will be billed to your Apple ID at the date of purchase, and renewed automatically unless you cancel 24h before the renewal date. > WHICH INSTRUMENTS CAN USE NEWZIK? Any musician of any level using sheet music can benefit from Newzik. For instance, this app is for you if you play one of the following instruments: Piano Singing Violin Saxophone Guitar Flute Have a question or suggestion? Send us an email at contact@newzik.com Privacy Policy: https://bit.ly/2TUsGAI General Terms and Conditions of Use: https://bit.ly/3wJUzsB