

Gentler Streak: 你的健康与健身贴心助手
手表 | 运动健康 | 体能训练 | 健康生活 | 锻炼
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  • 版本4.6.1
    手表 | 运动健康 | 体能训练 | 健康生活 | 锻炼

    借助此次更新,我们将“橙心运动”体验带给日语、韩语、简体中文和繁体中文受众。我们为之兴奋且自豪,并充满期待!我们热烈欢迎所有因本地化版本而发现我们的用户。祝你的健身之旅顺利愉快,如果你需要额外支持,我们将随时为你服务!感谢所有本地 Beta 版测试人员成为我们向前探索的明灯,帮助我们充满信心地发布产品。
    Beta 版测试人员已付出巨大努力,现在将接力棒交给你!如果你发现任何不能引起共鸣、需要纠正或可以优化表述方式的内容,请告诉我们。最好的方式是直接通过 App 告知或将包含详细信息的电子邮件发送至 support@gentlerstories.com
    小红书:Gentler Streak


    Gentler Streak 是一款将你的活力放在首位的健康和健身跟踪器,可以帮助在运动和休息之间实现适当的平衡。App 会响应你的准备情况,建议日常体能训练,让你保持健康的活动水平。同时,休息日也是保持连续运动的一部分。遵循指导,你的体能状况就会得到改善!
    免费的 Apple Watch 体能训练跟踪器
    随时随地控制健身的独特工具!Gentler Streak 可在体能训练期间显示实时心率区间和训练效果,让你可以调整强度避免倦怠,或根据需要增大强度。
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler – 获取按类型、时长、强度定义的个性化每日体能训练(包括休息)建议和全程指导
    * 通过心率区间监测强度
    * 知道何时停止以避免过度训练
    * 指标图表 – 当前海拔、爬升高度、心率图表
    * 设置 – 查看你感兴趣的指标或通过运动设置指标
    * 超过 140 种活动
    * 适合户外体能训练的地图、距离和位置
    * 媒体控制
    * 水上运动显示锁定
    * 复杂功能:当前体能情况、最合适的体能训练提示
    不必追求 10,000 步或者 10,000 圈,而是通过回应日常准备情况来保持连续运动:无论是休息、温和活动还是剧烈活动。如果你的健康指标表明活力不足,这将反映在 Gentler Streak 指导中。
    * 每日体能回顾:训练前和训练后,以富有实用价值的方式消化和理解体能数据。
    * 活动路径:代表你的最佳活动水平。这是 1 天、10 天或 30 天的训练日志,将记录的体能训练和对你表现的影响相结合。
    * 活动状态:当前关注的活动路径的每日替代方案。
    * 恢复:在活动路径上向左轻扫即可查看未来几天的预计恢复情况。
    * 活力:记录睡眠心率 (SHR) 或静息心率(如果 SHR 不可用)、睡眠时长、心率变异性 (HRV)、呼吸频率、血氧饱和度、手腕温度和月经周期。
    * 每日健康摘要:你的健康概况。App 将了解每个指标的典型范围,为未来的读数提供个性化背景,并使异常变化更易检测。
    * Yorhart 角色:反映你的日常准备情况。
    * 洞察:将专业知识压缩为 1 分钟内的阅读内容。
    * 体能训练摘要:分析体能训练详细信息。
    * 通过实时活动和 App 内镜像将跟踪传输至 iPhone
    * 锁屏和主屏幕小组件
    * 训练日志:完整的体能训练历史
    * 进度图表:统计数据可以快速展示你的训练与其他时期和目标的比较
    * 体能训练摘要:所选期间的持续时间、活动能量、距离、爬升高度
    * 设置状态:生病、受伤或停歇。
    * 回顾:以多种分享功能精彩呈现训练月/年。
    免费下载和使用 Gentler Streak。选择自动订阅以升级到 Gentler Streak Premium。除非在当前周期结束前至少 24 小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅会自动续订。本期结束前 24 小时内将向帐户收取续订费用。
    购买后管理订阅方案并在“帐户设置 > 管理订阅”中关闭自动续订。如果提供免费试用,则用户购买出版物的订阅时,免费试用期的任何未使用部分都将取消。
    Gentler Streak 从 HealthKit 读取你的数据以及向其写入数据。数据处理始终发生并保留在你的设备上。
    Gentler Streak 不是医疗器械,也不能替代医疗建议,请始终遵循医嘱。

  • 版本4.6
    手表 | 运动健康 | 体能训练 | 健康生活 | 锻炼

    借助此次更新,我们将“橙心运动”体验带给日语、韩语、简体中文和繁体中文受众。我们为之兴奋且自豪,并充满期待!我们热烈欢迎所有因本地化版本而发现我们的用户。祝你的健身之旅顺利愉快,如果你需要额外支持,我们将随时为你服务!感谢所有本地 Beta 版测试人员成为我们向前探索的明灯,帮助我们充满信心地发布产品。
    Beta 版测试人员已付出巨大努力,现在将接力棒交给你!如果你发现任何不能引起共鸣、需要纠正或可以优化表述方式的内容,请告诉我们。最好的方式是直接通过 App 告知或将包含详细信息的电子邮件发送至 support@gentlerstories.com
    小红书:Gentler Streak


    Gentler Streak 是一款将你的活力放在首位的健康和健身跟踪器,可以帮助在运动和休息之间实现适当的平衡。App 会响应你的准备情况,建议日常体能训练,让你保持健康的活动水平。同时,休息日也是保持连续运动的一部分。遵循指导,你的体能状况就会得到改善!
    免费的 Apple Watch 体能训练跟踪器
    随时随地控制健身的独特工具!Gentler Streak 可在体能训练期间显示实时心率区间和训练效果,让你可以调整强度避免倦怠,或根据需要增大强度。
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler – 获取按类型、时长、强度定义的个性化每日体能训练(包括休息)建议和全程指导
    * 通过心率区间监测强度
    * 知道何时停止以避免过度训练
    * 指标图表 – 当前海拔、爬升高度、心率图表
    * 设置 – 查看你感兴趣的指标或通过运动设置指标
    * 超过 140 种活动
    * 适合户外体能训练的地图、距离和位置
    * 媒体控制
    * 水上运动显示锁定
    * 复杂功能:当前体能情况、最合适的体能训练提示
    不必追求 10,000 步或者 10,000 圈,而是通过回应日常准备情况来保持连续运动:无论是休息、温和活动还是剧烈活动。如果你的健康指标表明活力不足,这将反映在 Gentler Streak 指导中。
    * 每日体能回顾:训练前和训练后,以富有实用价值的方式消化和理解体能数据。
    * 活动路径:代表你的最佳活动水平。这是 1 天、10 天或 30 天的训练日志,将记录的体能训练和对你表现的影响相结合。
    * 活动状态:当前关注的活动路径的每日替代方案。
    * 恢复:在活动路径上向左轻扫即可查看未来几天的预计恢复情况。
    * 活力:记录睡眠心率 (SHR) 或静息心率(如果 SHR 不可用)、睡眠时长、心率变异性 (HRV)、呼吸频率、血氧饱和度、手腕温度和月经周期。
    * 每日健康摘要:你的健康概况。App 将了解每个指标的典型范围,为未来的读数提供个性化背景,并使异常变化更易检测。
    * Yorhart 角色:反映你的日常准备情况。
    * 洞察:将专业知识压缩为 1 分钟内的阅读内容。
    * 体能训练摘要:分析体能训练详细信息。
    * 通过实时活动和 App 内镜像将跟踪传输至 iPhone
    * 锁屏和主屏幕小组件
    * 训练日志:完整的体能训练历史
    * 进度图表:统计数据可以快速展示你的训练与其他时期和目标的比较
    * 体能训练摘要:所选期间的持续时间、活动能量、距离、爬升高度
    * 设置状态:生病、受伤或停歇。
    * 回顾:以多种分享功能精彩呈现训练月/年。
    免费下载和使用 Gentler Streak。选择自动订阅以升级到 Gentler Streak Premium。除非在当前周期结束前至少 24 小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅会自动续订。本期结束前 24 小时内将向帐户收取续订费用。
    购买后管理订阅方案并在“帐户设置 > 管理订阅”中关闭自动续订。如果提供免费试用,则用户购买出版物的订阅时,免费试用期的任何未使用部分都将取消。
    Gentler Streak 从 HealthKit 读取你的数据以及向其写入数据。数据处理始终发生并保留在你的设备上。
    Gentler Streak 不是医疗器械,也不能替代医疗建议,请始终遵循医嘱。

  • 版本4.5.1

    With this update, we are introducing a completely revamped monthly activity recap. Update and see your beautifully animated March workout details compared to February!
    Revamped Activity Recap
    We have decided to move away from the previous fun monthly recap as it was no longer fun nor sustainable from a production standpoint. Truth be told, it did not provide much added value or support on your fitness journey.
    We believe that is now changing.
    The new monthly recap lets you dive deeper into different segments of your monthly workout stats and directly compare their state to the previous month. All of this is presented with beautiful animations that breathe life into the good old (could be seen as somewhat boring) data.
    To help us spread the word, share your monthly progress on socials, and remember to tag us:
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Whether you're a new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you're an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you. That's why support@gentlerstories.com is here.
    Thank you, kind souls, for exploring your fitness with us.


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.5

    With this update, we are introducing a completely revamped monthly activity recap. Update and see your beautifully animated March workout details compared to February!
    Revamped Activity Recap
    We have decided to move away from the previous fun monthly recap as it was no longer fun nor sustainable from a production standpoint. Truth be told, it did not provide much added value or support on your fitness journey.
    We believe that is now changing.
    The new monthly recap lets you dive deeper into different segments of your monthly workout stats and directly compare their state to the previous month. All of this is presented with beautiful animations that breathe life into the good old (could be seen as somewhat boring) data.
    To help us spread the word, share your monthly progress on socials, and remember to tag us:
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Whether you're a new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you're an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you. That's why support@gentlerstories.com is here.
    Thank you, kind souls, for exploring your fitness with us.


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.4.3

    With this version, we bring a special offer. Or, an Eggcelent Offer, dare we say! Yes, sadly, we’ve succumbed to outdated marketing tactics with cringe-worthy wordplay.
    So, as hinted, an Easter egg was planted. As you may be recovering from your last workout, there’s no need to go and actually hunt it; it’s hiding in plain sight on the Streak tab. Once you crack it, you will be rewarded 40% off on a yearly premium with family sharing.
    We appreciate your support; it’s something that is never cringey!
    Last but not least, if you’re a new onboard or a seasoned, gentler passenger, you’re an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Thank you for exploring your fitness with us.


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.4.2

    This time, we are happy to introduce a revamped Activity Tab - with it, we aim for better-informed decision-making to help you stay on track with your wellness goals.
    The Revamped Activity Tab for More Precision
    You can now select any timeframe and easily compare your current status to previous periods - on weekly, monthly, or yearly scales. For instance, you can choose today’s date and compare last year’s stats with your 2024 progress so far.
    Whether you’re new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you’re an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Thank you for exploring your fitness with us!


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.4.1

    This time, we are happy to introduce a revamped Activity Tab - with it, we aim for better-informed decision-making to help you stay on track with your wellness goals.
    The Revamped Activity Tab for More Precision
    You can now select any timeframe and easily compare your current status to previous periods - on weekly, monthly, or yearly scales. For instance, you can choose today’s date and compare last year’s stats with your 2024 progress so far.
    Whether you’re new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you’re an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Thank you for exploring your fitness with us!


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.4

    This is an update many of you have been waiting for! We’ve rebuilt our Apple Watch app from the ground up, enhancing its reliability and efficiency. We’ve also refined the daily fitness status with a heightened focus on overreaching situations. Plus, introducing six new icons, including three from our Gentler Icon Challenge.
    Upgraded Apple Watch App:
    Built from the bottom up, it’s now better than ever! It is fast, accurate, and, you’ll be happy to hear, battery-saving. If you have not tried it yet, now is the time. Check out the personalized daily workout suggestions via Go Gentler, and stay within your healthy limits with the help of heart rate zone guidance on the go.
    Daily Fitness Status Refined:
    A significant update we’ve had in mind since launch. We’ve dedicated extra attention to overreaching situations, making them more fitting for your state. We’ve also delved into niche scenarios, providing more accurate and meaningful guidance.
    Six New Icons:
    In addition to homemade Rainbow, Blossom, and Hello, three gorgeous icons came from the Gentler Icon Challenge. We are super proud to feature the work of a legend, Basic Apple Guy, and awesome work from Sara Kajba and frecelovro. Personalize your screen with the one that’s a bit of you.
    Whether you’re a new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you’re an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    And, as always, thank you for exploring your fitness with us.


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.3.6

    Whether you're a new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you're an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Thank you for exploring your fitness with us.


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

  • 版本4.3.5

    Here’s the last update of 2023, and as with all good things, this one also comes in threes. Dive in!
    30-Day Activity Path
    Your monthly recap is no longer the only resort to see the extended Activity Path! The most-requested user feature, the rolling 30-day Activity Path, is now also available on iPhone - giving you more control over your fitness journey. Your logged workouts from the past 30 days and their impact on your fitness are now always at your fingertips.
    Three Custom Icons - Ugly Christmas Sweater, Heartblock, Swift Break
    If you have a thing for personalizing your screen, one of these quirky icons may just add that final touch!
    New Insight - Turn New Year's resolutions Into Lasting Habits
    As we ring in yet another New Year, the air is often filled with longings for change and self-improvement, and we ARE ALL FOR IT! Therefore, we have gathered some hands-on guidelines to give resolutions a better chance to turn into (sustainable!) habits.
    Whether you're a new onboard or a seasoned gentler passenger, you're an integral part of our journey, and we love hearing from you:
    Email: support@gentlerstories.com
    Twitter: @gentler_app
    Instagram: @gentlerstreak
    Reddit: r/gentlerstreakapp
    Bsky: @gentler.app
    Threads: @gentlerstreak
    Here's to a balanced 2024, where you continue exploring your well-being on YOUR terms!


    Gentler Streak is a health and fitness tracker that puts your wellbeing first. It helps find the right balance between exercise and rest. App responds to your readiness and proposes daily workout actions that keep you within healthy activity levels. Rest days are part of the actions that keep the streak going. Follow the guidance and see your fitness improve!
    A unique tool to control fitness on the go! It displays real-time heart rate zones and training's effect while working out, so you can adjust the intensity to avoid burnout or step up if needed.
    Apple Watch App:
    * Go Gentler - personalized suggestions of daily workouts (rest included) defined in type, duration, intensity and be guided along the way
    * Monitor intensity with HR zones
    * Know when to end exercise to avoid overtraining
    * Metric Charts - current elevation, elevation gain, HR charts
    * Settings - see the metrics you're interested in or set metrics by exercise
    * 124 workout types
    * Map, distance, location for all outdoor workouts
    * Media controls
    * Display lock for water sports
    * Complications: current fitness condition, the most suitable workout hint
    Instead of chasing 10k steps, rings, ... you keep the streak going by responding to your daily readiness: be it a rest, a mild activity, or an intense one. If your health metrics indicate poor wellbeing that will reflect in Gentler Streak guidance.
    * Daily Fitness Recap: before and after-training. It's your fitness data digested and explained in an actionable manner.
    * Activity Path: represents your optimal activity levels. It's a 1-day, 10-day or 30-day training log, a combo of logged workouts & their effect on your performance.
    * Activity Status: a daily alternative to Activity Path focused on now.
    * Sneak Peek: swipe LEFT on the Activity Path to see predicted position for the next days and plan active days
    * Wellbeing: keep track of your wellness through sleeping heart rate (SHR) or resting heart rate (when SHR is unavailable), sleep duration, heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, wrist temperature and period tracking.
    * Daily Health Summary: your health in a gist. App learns your typical range for each metric, providing personalized context for future readings and making detecting unusual changes easier.
    * Yorhart character: mirrors your daily readiness.
    * Insights: expert knowledge squeezed into under-1-min reads.
    * Workout Summaries: analyze workout details.
    * Take tracking to iPhone with Live Activity & In-App Mirroring
    * Lock & Home Screen Widgets
    Features to further motivate & support you in keeping a training habit alive and healthy:
    * Training Log: complete workout history
    * Progress Charts: stats that give a quick overview of your training compared with other periods and goals
    * Workout Summaries: duration, active energy, distance, elevation gain for the chosen period
    * Set Status: when sick, injured or taking a break.
    * Recaps: training month/year presented engagingly with multiple share functions.
    Download and use Gentler Streak for free. Choose among auto-renewing subscriptions to upgrade to Gentler Streak Premium. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    Manage subscription plans and turn off auto-renewal in Account Settings > Manage subscriptions after purchase. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    Gentler Streak writes & reads your data from HealthKit. Processing happens and stays on your device. Always.
    Gentler Streak is NOT a medical device nor a substitute for medical advice. For that, stick to your physician.
    Terms of service: https://gentler.app/terms/
    Privacy policy: https://gentler.app/privacy

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