HomeworkMan solves tasks step-by-step like the teachers do. It's a great tool to verify your answers/results or see how the task should be done. The app offers help with Maths, Physics, Chemistry and English. HomeworkMan will help you understand: algebra, fractions, roots, powers, functions, linear function, quadratic function & graphs, BODMAS and much more! It has never been easier to do homework! Maths: - Algebra - Function - Linear function - Quadratic function - Graphs - Fractions - Power (Exponentiation) - Root - Surfaces - Perimeters - Volumes - Converter Physics: - Kinematics - Dynamics - Work, Power, Energy Chemistry: - Chemical Elements English: Tenses: - Present Simple - Present Continuous - Present Perfect - Present Perfect Continuous - Past Simple - Past Continuous - Past Perfect - Past Perfect Continuous - Future Simple - Future Continuous - Future Perfect - Future Perfect Continuous Table of irregular verbs.