Attention Gunners! If your true passion is Arsenal - this custom feed app was made for you. We scour all the news & videos about Arsenal FC from the world’s top sources and let you create your own custom feed. We cover it all: top football news sources, blogs and video channels and podcasts to bring you a clean & effective summary of everything Arsenal. Features include: * A news summary covering stories from all sources with no repeated stories -see all sources that covered any story with a simple tap * Fixtures for Arsenal * Opt-in for Push notifications of prominent stories and your chosen topics * Live scoreboard for Arsenal, Premier league and Champions League matches * Videos curated from leading video channels - all about the Gunners * Customized news feed - Choose your favorite topics or completely block topics from your feed - read only the news that interests you * A community of Gunners! Post stories or polls, comment on stories, tag articles and earn reputation points and badges! * Block source - filter out unwanted sources * Read later - save interesting stories easily and catch up at your own pace * Collapsed mode - skim through the news and decide what you want to read, save or share! Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: