Dots. Connecting Memories. Dots.Memories Dots.Memories: Your most unique photos and videos, arranged by creation date in your calendar with Dots. Create private groups with whoever you want and share your memories with them. Keep your memories saved and organised without taking up space on your mobile. Share them in private Dots groups with the people you love the most: · Couple · Friends · Family · Son/daughter · Pet · Classroom · Hobbies · Team · Work · Yourself - Share your memories in Dots. and remember them whenever you want! - Save your Memories in a chronological calendar by creation date. - Upload photos and videos on Dots. to private groups, such as friends, family, pets and more. - Create Special Memories when everyone in a group "Likes" the same Memory. - Experience the emotion of keeping the streaks going by posting daily content. - Relive moments and share unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Dots. Connecting Memories. Dots.Memories