云闪付APP,银行业统一移动支付战略产品,银行卡管理一步到位,银行卡优惠一网打尽。 【主要功能】 1.全面的银联银行优惠权益查询,实时更新省钱省心。 2.手机扫码支付,银联金融级安全保护,资金安全无忧。 3.绑定银联卡,享受消费提醒、交易查询、手工记账服务。 4.信用卡还款,手机充值,公共缴费,转账,收款一站搞定。 5.在线办卡,尊享一元停车、出行贵宾厅服务等银联权益。 【官方网站】https://www.95516.com/ 【官方微博】云闪付 【官方微信】Yinlian_KY UnionPay APP is a strategic product for integrated mobile payment in the banking sector. It provides comprehensive management of bank cards and brings together all card discounts and special offers. 【Main Features】 1. Scan-to-pay feature with UnionPay's financial-grade security protection, ensuring worry-free fund security. 【Official Website】https://www.95516.com/ 【Official WeChat】Yinlian_KY