

LEGO® VIDIYO Kids' video maker
2024年02月06日11点 已下架
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  • 版本1.01.12

    The LEGO® VIDIYO™ app will no longer be supported after January 2024.

    What this means for you: you won't be able to share your creations online and the social feed will be removed.
    FREE STUFF: we have added so much free gear in the store for you to enjoy.
    Thank you for being part of the LEGO® VIDIYO™ community.



    探索乐高® VIDIYO™ 的全新玩乐方式:令人兴奋的全新音乐视频制作器和安全社交媒体应用程序,让孩子们在一个完全安全且积极向上的社交网络社区中表达他们对舞蹈和音乐视频的热情。使用增强现实让我们全新的乐高乐队成员栩栩如生,孩子们可以重建他们的日常世界,并根据自己的想象力指导、制作和主演他们自己的音乐视频。 LEGO VIDIYO 是一款有趣的互动社交媒体应用程序,适合孩子们将屏幕时间转化为创作时间,它为激发下一代年轻音乐创意者奠定了基础。


    借助 LEGO VIDIYO 音乐视频制作器和儿童社交媒体应用,孩子们可以:
    ⁃ 扫描他们的实体 LEGO VIDIYO 小人仔,观看他们在儿童音乐视频中跳舞和表演
    ⁃ 用服装和配饰定制他们的小人仔
    ⁃ 组装一系列乐高 VIDIYO 小人仔——并收集受不同音乐流派启发的许多不同角色,孩子们可以组建一个由舞者、说唱歌手、吉他手、鼓手、歌手等组成的音乐小组!他们可以根据自己喜欢的视频和歌曲制作有趣的儿童舞蹈视频!
    ⁃ 扫描并使用他们角色的物理特效BeatBits,以特殊的舞蹈动作、酷炫的音乐效果、多彩的风景变化、服装来定制音乐视频表演。您的孩子可以为流行歌曲制作有趣的儿童视频和其他内容。
    ⁃ 将现实生活中的地点变成儿童舞蹈视频的舞台。
    ⁃ 使用表情符号对已审核的社交信息流中的帖子发表评论。在这个安全的儿童社交媒体应用程序中,用儿童视频激发您的孩子。
    ⁃ 探​​索乐高团队的有趣儿童视频和其他内容


    ⁃ 孩子们可以在应用程序上保存表演或与孩子们的社交媒体社区分享他们经过审核的短视频
    ⁃ 所有音乐视频和评论在分享之前都经过审核。所有视频都是为儿童制作的。
    ⁃ 头像和应用程序生成的用户名让所有用户在我们的儿童社交媒体中保持匿名和安全
    ⁃ 验证您孩子的帐户以控制他们的选项并为您的孩子解锁完整的 LEGO VIDIYO 创意体验

    ⁃ 这个儿童音乐短片制作器是全新的,可免费下载和使用
    ⁃ 要参与图像和音乐视频分享,用户需要一个 LEGO 帐户
    ⁃ 要在儿童音乐视频应用程序中分享第一个视频上传,只需以一次性身份证件、信用卡或借记卡审查的形式进行一次经过验证的父母同意,以确保验证人是成年人。验证完全免费。您的 ID 或卡详细信息不会存储在我们系统的任何位置。帐户验证快速、简单,只需一次。

    我们使用您的个人信息来管理您的帐户并查看匿名数据,以便为孩子们提供安全、身临其境的社交媒体和音乐游戏体验。您可以在此处了解更多信息:https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy 和此处:https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-应用/。

    - 如需应用支持,请联系乐高客户服务:www.lego.com/service

    - 增强现实头像功能的兼容设备列表可在 www.lego.com/service/device-guide 找到

    乐高、乐高标志、积木和旋钮配置以及小人仔是乐高集团的商标。 ©2022 乐高集团。

  • 版本1.01.11


    探索乐高® VIDIYO™ 的全新玩乐方式:令人兴奋的全新音乐视频制作器和安全社交媒体应用程序,让孩子们在一个完全安全且积极向上的社交网络社区中表达他们对舞蹈和音乐视频的热情。使用增强现实让我们全新的乐高乐队成员栩栩如生,孩子们可以重建他们的日常世界,并根据自己的想象力指导、制作和主演他们自己的音乐视频。 LEGO VIDIYO 是一款有趣的互动社交媒体应用程序,适合孩子们将屏幕时间转化为创作时间,它为激发下一代年轻音乐创意者奠定了基础。


    借助 LEGO VIDIYO 音乐视频制作器和儿童社交媒体应用,孩子们可以:
    ⁃ 扫描他们的实体 LEGO VIDIYO 小人仔,观看他们在儿童音乐视频中跳舞和表演
    ⁃ 用服装和配饰定制他们的小人仔
    ⁃ 组装一系列乐高 VIDIYO 小人仔——并收集受不同音乐流派启发的许多不同角色,孩子们可以组建一个由舞者、说唱歌手、吉他手、鼓手、歌手等组成的音乐小组!他们可以根据自己喜欢的视频和歌曲制作有趣的儿童舞蹈视频!
    ⁃ 扫描并使用他们角色的物理特效BeatBits,以特殊的舞蹈动作、酷炫的音乐效果、多彩的风景变化、服装来定制音乐视频表演。您的孩子可以为流行歌曲制作有趣的儿童视频和其他内容。
    ⁃ 将现实生活中的地点变成儿童舞蹈视频的舞台。
    ⁃ 使用表情符号对已审核的社交信息流中的帖子发表评论。在这个安全的儿童社交媒体应用程序中,用儿童视频激发您的孩子。
    ⁃ 探​​索乐高团队的有趣儿童视频和其他内容


    ⁃ 孩子们可以在应用程序上保存表演或与孩子们的社交媒体社区分享他们经过审核的短视频
    ⁃ 所有音乐视频和评论在分享之前都经过审核。所有视频都是为儿童制作的。
    ⁃ 头像和应用程序生成的用户名让所有用户在我们的儿童社交媒体中保持匿名和安全
    ⁃ 验证您孩子的帐户以控制他们的选项并为您的孩子解锁完整的 LEGO VIDIYO 创意体验

    ⁃ 这个儿童音乐短片制作器是全新的,可免费下载和使用
    ⁃ 要参与图像和音乐视频分享,用户需要一个 LEGO 帐户
    ⁃ 要在儿童音乐视频应用程序中分享第一个视频上传,只需以一次性身份证件、信用卡或借记卡审查的形式进行一次经过验证的父母同意,以确保验证人是成年人。验证完全免费。您的 ID 或卡详细信息不会存储在我们系统的任何位置。帐户验证快速、简单,只需一次。

    我们使用您的个人信息来管理您的帐户并查看匿名数据,以便为孩子们提供安全、身临其境的社交媒体和音乐游戏体验。您可以在此处了解更多信息:https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy 和此处:https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-应用/。

    - 如需应用支持,请联系乐高客户服务:www.lego.com/service

    - 增强现实头像功能的兼容设备列表可在 www.lego.com/service/device-guide 找到

    乐高、乐高标志、积木和旋钮配置以及小人仔是乐高集团的商标。 ©2022 乐高集团。

  • 版本1.01.10


    探索乐高® VIDIYO™ 的全新玩乐方式:令人兴奋的全新音乐视频制作器和安全社交媒体应用程序,让孩子们在一个完全安全且积极向上的社交网络社区中表达他们对舞蹈和音乐视频的热情。使用增强现实让我们全新的乐高乐队成员栩栩如生,孩子们可以重建他们的日常世界,并根据自己的想象力指导、制作和主演他们自己的音乐视频。 LEGO VIDIYO 是一款有趣的互动社交媒体应用程序,适合孩子们将屏幕时间转化为创作时间,它为激发下一代年轻音乐创意者奠定了基础。


    借助 LEGO VIDIYO 音乐视频制作器和儿童社交媒体应用,孩子们可以:
    ⁃ 扫描他们的实体 LEGO VIDIYO 小人仔,观看他们在儿童音乐视频中跳舞和表演
    ⁃ 用服装和配饰定制他们的小人仔
    ⁃ 组装一系列乐高 VIDIYO 小人仔——并收集受不同音乐流派启发的许多不同角色,孩子们可以组建一个由舞者、说唱歌手、吉他手、鼓手、歌手等组成的音乐小组!他们可以根据自己喜欢的视频和歌曲制作有趣的儿童舞蹈视频!
    ⁃ 扫描并使用他们角色的物理特效BeatBits,以特殊的舞蹈动作、酷炫的音乐效果、多彩的风景变化、服装来定制音乐视频表演。您的孩子可以为流行歌曲制作有趣的儿童视频和其他内容。
    ⁃ 将现实生活中的地点变成儿童舞蹈视频的舞台。
    ⁃ 使用表情符号对已审核的社交信息流中的帖子发表评论。在这个安全的儿童社交媒体应用程序中,用儿童视频激发您的孩子。
    ⁃ 探​​索乐高团队的有趣儿童视频和其他内容


    ⁃ 孩子们可以在应用程序上保存表演或与孩子们的社交媒体社区分享他们经过审核的短视频
    ⁃ 所有音乐视频和评论在分享之前都经过审核。所有视频都是为儿童制作的。
    ⁃ 头像和应用程序生成的用户名让所有用户在我们的儿童社交媒体中保持匿名和安全
    ⁃ 验证您孩子的帐户以控制他们的选项并为您的孩子解锁完整的 LEGO VIDIYO 创意体验

    ⁃ 这个儿童音乐短片制作器是全新的,可免费下载和使用
    ⁃ 要参与图像和音乐视频分享,用户需要一个 LEGO 帐户
    ⁃ 要在儿童音乐视频应用程序中分享第一个视频上传,只需以一次性身份证件、信用卡或借记卡审查的形式进行一次经过验证的父母同意,以确保验证人是成年人。验证完全免费。您的 ID 或卡详细信息不会存储在我们系统的任何位置。帐户验证快速、简单,只需一次。

    我们使用您的个人信息来管理您的帐户并查看匿名数据,以便为孩子们提供安全、身临其境的社交媒体和音乐游戏体验。您可以在此处了解更多信息:https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy 和此处:https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-应用/。

    - 如需应用支持,请联系乐高客户服务:www.lego.com/service

    - 增强现实头像功能的兼容设备列表可在 www.lego.com/service/device-guide 找到

    乐高、乐高标志、积木和旋钮配置以及小人仔是乐高集团的商标。 ©2022 乐高集团。

  • 版本1.01.09

    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.

    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.

    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!

    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team

    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children

    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child

    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.

    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.

    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service

    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide

    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2022 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.08

    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.
    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!
    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children
    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.
    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide
    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.07

    We’ve been busy improving the LEGO® VIDIYO™ experience for you.
    Our latest updates:
    • New Bandmates: 12 new Bandmates are waiting to meet you – invite them for an audition!
    • Pause your performance: Hit pause to take a photo, try a new angle, or quit and save.
    • Full-screen videos: We’ve made it easier to watch videos full screen – just rotate your phone and it’ll happen instantly.


    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.
    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!
    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Choose popular music as the soundtrack for their short videos. Our partnership with Universal Music Group means there’s an ever-growing song library of new and classic titles to choose from! Let children get creative with tons of kids’ videos and songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children
    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.
    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide
    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.05

    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.
    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!
    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Choose popular music as the soundtrack for their short videos. Our partnership with Universal Music Group means there’s an ever-growing song library of new and classic titles to choose from! Let children get creative with tons of kids’ videos and songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children
    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.
    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide
    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.04

    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.
    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!
    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Choose popular music as the soundtrack for their short videos. Our partnership with Universal Music Group means there’s an ever-growing song library of new and classic titles to choose from! Let children get creative with tons of kids’ videos and songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children
    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.
    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide
    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.02

    We have a new update ready for you!
    Performance Playback Upgrade: Scan, perform, watch - repeat! You can now watch your music video as soon as you’ve created it. Want to try it again? Jump straight to your next performance with the same Band and BeatBits.
    New Video Timeline: See how far you are through your music video recording and be ready for the grand finale!
    Quick tip for the pro users: We’ve added options for video quality and auto-playing videos in the settings menu.


    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting, new music video maker and safe social media app for kids to express their passion for dance and music videos in a completely secure and positive social networking community. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social media app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired.
    Fun music videos for kids to express their creative passions!
    With LEGO VIDIYO music video maker and kids’ social media app, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and see them dance and perform in music videos for kids
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect inspired by different music genres, kids can start a music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more! They can make fun kids’ dance videos inspired by their favorite videos and songs!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes. Your child can make fun kids’ videos and other content to popular songs.
    ⁃ Choose popular music as the soundtrack for their short videos. Our partnership with Universal Music Group means there’s an ever-growing song library of new and classic titles to choose from! Let children get creative with tons of kids’ videos and songs.
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for kids’ dance videos.
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed. Inspire your kid with videos for children in this safe social media app for kids.
    ⁃ Explore fun kids’ videos and other content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids’ social media app for young music lovers with lots of dance videos for children
    ⁃ Children can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the kids’ social media community
    ⁃ ALL music videos and comments are moderated before being shared. All videos are made for children.
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe in our social media for kids
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control their options and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker for kids is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the music video app for kids, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once.
    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social media and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide
    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group.

  • 版本1.01.01

    Maintenance Update


    Make the world a fun stage for music, dance and imagination.
    Discover a whole new way to play with LEGO® VIDIYO™: an exciting new music video maker that lets your kids express their passion for music, dance and play in a completely safe and positive social networking community for young creatives. Using augmented reality to bring our all-new LEGO Bandmates to life, kids can rebuild their everyday world and direct, produce and star in their very own music videos to the beat of their own imagination. A fun, interactive social network app for kids to turn screen time into creativity time, LEGO VIDIYO sets the stage for the next generation of young music creatives to be inspired, everywhere.

    For kids to express their creative passions \u0026 make their own music videos!
    With the LEGO VIDIYO music video maker, kids can:
    ⁃ Scan their physical LEGO VIDIYO minifigures and watch them dancing and performing in their music video creations
    ⁃ Customize their minifigures with stylish outfits and accessories
    ⁃ Assemble a collection of LEGO VIDIYO minifigures — and with lots of different characters to collect each inspired by different music genres, they can start a cool music group of dancers, rappers, guitarists, drummers, singers and more!
    ⁃ Scan and use their character’s physical special effect BeatBits to customize music video performances with special dance moves, cool music effects, colorful scenery changes, costumes — it’s all possible in our fun, dancing music video making app!
    ⁃ Choose popular music as the soundtrack for their short videos. Our partnership with Universal Music Group means there’s an ever-growing song library of up-to-date and classic titles to choose from!
    ⁃ Transform real-life locations into a stage for their customized, dancing music video performances
    ⁃ Use emoticons to comment on posts in the moderated social feed and find inspiration for their next performance
    ⁃ Explore fun editorial content from the LEGO team
    Safe, moderated kids social media app for young music lovers
    ⁃ Once your child has created their short music video, they can save performances on the app or share their moderated, short videos with the online community
    ⁃ ALL music video uploads and comments are moderated before being shared in the community, ensuring a safe and positive experience for everyone
    ⁃ Avatars and app-generated usernames keep all users anonymous and safe
    ⁃ Verify your child’s account to control the actions they can perform and unlock the full LEGO VIDIYO creative experience for your child
    Important information
    ⁃ This short music video maker is brand new and free to download and use
    ⁃ To take part in image and music video sharing with the community, users will need a LEGO account
    ⁃ To share the first video upload in the free music video maker app, verified parental consent is required just once in the form of a one-time ID document, credit or debit card review to ensure the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE of charge. Your ID or card details will not be stored anywhere on our systems. Account verification is quick, easy and is required once

    We use your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, immersive, social networking and musical play experience for kids. You can learn more here: https://www.lego.com/privacy-policy and here: https://www.lego.com/legal/notices-and-policies/terms-of-use-for-lego-apps/.
    - For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: www.lego.com/service
    - The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at www.lego.com/service/device-guide

    LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2020 The LEGO Group.

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