

Stronghold Kingdoms Castle Sim
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  • 版本30.140.1872

    Fixed major bugs causing disappearing UI for some players. Other general bugfixes.


    来自 Stronghold 的创造者
    500 万玩家


    ..::: 功能 :::..

    *** 建立一个在线据点,并用坚不可摧的城堡防御来保护它。
    *** 统治中世纪,在英格兰、欧洲或世界发动战争!
    *** 围攻敌人,与派系进行交易,并探索一个充满了其他数千名玩家的中世纪世界。
    *** 研究新技术,成为商人、农民、十字军、外交官或军阀。
    *** 带领你的派系取得胜利并建立联盟,成为玩家控制的政治 RTS 中的民选领导人。
    *** 在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上免费玩,更新频繁,支持跨平台多人游戏。

    ..::: 按::::..

    “被游戏的庞大规模所震撼” - Touch Arcade

    “不断变化和适应的世界地图” - Pocket Gamer

    “接管整个国家 - 假设你可以保持控制” - 148 个应用程序

    ..::: 说明 ::::..

    要塞王国是要塞城堡建造系列的 MMO 继任者,该系列以原始要塞(2001)和要塞:十字军(2002)而闻名。与原版和十字军东征不同,王国允许玩家在世界上第一个城堡大型多人在线游戏中重温中世纪。王国是一款跨平台策略游戏,通过将中世纪和著名的要塞角色推入持久的大型多人在线世界,邀请移动和桌面玩家一起在线战斗。围攻从未被占领的城堡,推翻无情的暴君,为您的派系的战争努力提供资金,掠夺您邻居的资源,和平饲养牛或做这一切!

    只有与敌军交战,从狼手中夺回村庄并在政治舞台上赢得选票,玩家才有希望取得成功。 《要塞王国》设置在一个快节奏、具有挑战性的游戏世界中,专为大量玩家而设计,为追求共同目标而共同努力。

    ..::: 社区 :::..

    Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    支持 – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: 来自萤火虫的信息 ::::..

    我们将《要塞王国》设计为第一个成熟的 PvP(玩家对玩家)策略 MMO RTS,适用于移动设备。作为开发人员,我们以核心要塞系列而闻名,该系列让您围攻朋友并与狼等人工智能对手作战。在《Kingdoms》中,我们将《Stronghold》带到线上,为玩家提供一个身临其境的中世纪游戏世界,其中充满了真实玩家、战争和政治纷争。 Firefly 是一个小型独立开发者,非常尊重我们的玩家,因此我们很想听听您对 Kingdoms 的看法!请自己尝试游戏(可以免费玩),并使用上面的社区链接之一给我们发送消息。


    请注意:要塞王国是一款免费的大型多人在线即时战略游戏,但是玩家可以通过应用内购买使用真钱购买游戏物品。如果您不想使用此功能,可以在 Android 设备上为应用内购买添加身份验证,并享受完全免费的游戏体验。 《要塞王国》还需要网络连接才能玩。

    喜欢这个游戏吗?请以 5 星评级支持我们!

  • 版本30.140.1858

    来自 Stronghold 的创造者
    500 万玩家


    ..::: 功能 :::..

    *** 建立一个在线据点,并用坚不可摧的城堡防御来保护它。
    *** 统治中世纪,在英格兰、欧洲或世界发动战争!
    *** 围攻敌人,与派系进行交易,并探索一个充满了其他数千名玩家的中世纪世界。
    *** 研究新技术,成为商人、农民、十字军、外交官或军阀。
    *** 带领你的派系取得胜利并建立联盟,成为玩家控制的政治 RTS 中的民选领导人。
    *** 在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上免费玩,更新频繁,支持跨平台多人游戏。

    ..::: 按::::..

    “被游戏的庞大规模所震撼” - Touch Arcade

    “不断变化和适应的世界地图” - Pocket Gamer

    “接管整个国家 - 假设你可以保持控制” - 148 个应用程序

    ..::: 说明 ::::..

    要塞王国是要塞城堡建造系列的 MMO 继任者,该系列以原始要塞(2001)和要塞:十字军(2002)而闻名。与原版和十字军东征不同,王国允许玩家在世界上第一个城堡大型多人在线游戏中重温中世纪。王国是一款跨平台策略游戏,通过将中世纪和著名的要塞角色推入持久的大型多人在线世界,邀请移动和桌面玩家一起在线战斗。围攻从未被占领的城堡,推翻无情的暴君,为您的派系的战争努力提供资金,掠夺您邻居的资源,和平饲养牛或做这一切!

    只有与敌军交战,从狼手中夺回村庄并在政治舞台上赢得选票,玩家才有希望取得成功。 《要塞王国》设置在一个快节奏、具有挑战性的游戏世界中,专为大量玩家而设计,为追求共同目标而共同努力。

    ..::: 社区 :::..

    Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    支持 – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: 来自萤火虫的信息 ::::..

    我们将《要塞王国》设计为第一个成熟的 PvP(玩家对玩家)策略 MMO RTS,适用于移动设备。作为开发人员,我们以核心要塞系列而闻名,该系列让您围攻朋友并与狼等人工智能对手作战。在《Kingdoms》中,我们将《Stronghold》带到线上,为玩家提供一个身临其境的中世纪游戏世界,其中充满了真实玩家、战争和政治纷争。 Firefly 是一个小型独立开发者,非常尊重我们的玩家,因此我们很想听听您对 Kingdoms 的看法!请自己尝试游戏(可以免费玩),并使用上面的社区链接之一给我们发送消息。


    请注意:要塞王国是一款免费的大型多人在线即时战略游戏,但是玩家可以通过应用内购买使用真钱购买游戏物品。如果您不想使用此功能,可以在 Android 设备上为应用内购买添加身份验证,并享受完全免费的游戏体验。 《要塞王国》还需要网络连接才能玩。

    喜欢这个游戏吗?请以 5 星评级支持我们!

  • 版本30.140.1845

    来自 Stronghold 的创造者
    500 万玩家


    ..::: 功能 :::..

    *** 建立一个在线据点,并用坚不可摧的城堡防御来保护它。
    *** 统治中世纪,在英格兰、欧洲或世界发动战争!
    *** 围攻敌人,与派系进行交易,并探索一个充满了其他数千名玩家的中世纪世界。
    *** 研究新技术,成为商人、农民、十字军、外交官或军阀。
    *** 带领你的派系取得胜利并建立联盟,成为玩家控制的政治 RTS 中的民选领导人。
    *** 在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上免费玩,更新频繁,支持跨平台多人游戏。

    ..::: 按::::..

    “被游戏的庞大规模所震撼” - Touch Arcade

    “不断变化和适应的世界地图” - Pocket Gamer

    “接管整个国家 - 假设你可以保持控制” - 148 个应用程序

    ..::: 说明 ::::..

    要塞王国是要塞城堡建造系列的 MMO 继任者,该系列以原始要塞(2001)和要塞:十字军(2002)而闻名。与原版和十字军东征不同,王国允许玩家在世界上第一个城堡大型多人在线游戏中重温中世纪。王国是一款跨平台策略游戏,通过将中世纪和著名的要塞角色推入持久的大型多人在线世界,邀请移动和桌面玩家一起在线战斗。围攻从未被占领的城堡,推翻无情的暴君,为您的派系的战争努力提供资金,掠夺您邻居的资源,和平饲养牛或做这一切!

    只有与敌军交战,从狼手中夺回村庄并在政治舞台上赢得选票,玩家才有希望取得成功。 《要塞王国》设置在一个快节奏、具有挑战性的游戏世界中,专为大量玩家而设计,为追求共同目标而共同努力。

    ..::: 社区 :::..

    Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    支持 – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: 来自萤火虫的信息 ::::..

    我们将《要塞王国》设计为第一个成熟的 PvP(玩家对玩家)策略 MMO RTS,适用于移动设备。作为开发人员,我们以核心要塞系列而闻名,该系列让您围攻朋友并与狼等人工智能对手作战。在《Kingdoms》中,我们将《Stronghold》带到线上,为玩家提供一个身临其境的中世纪游戏世界,其中充满了真实玩家、战争和政治纷争。 Firefly 是一个小型独立开发者,非常尊重我们的玩家,因此我们很想听听您对 Kingdoms 的看法!请自己尝试游戏(可以免费玩),并使用上面的社区链接之一给我们发送消息。


    请注意:要塞王国是一款免费的大型多人在线即时战略游戏,但是玩家可以通过应用内购买使用真钱购买游戏物品。如果您不想使用此功能,可以在 Android 设备上为应用内购买添加身份验证,并享受完全免费的游戏体验。 《要塞王国》还需要网络连接才能玩。

    喜欢这个游戏吗?请以 5 星评级支持我们!

  • 版本30.140.1843

    Minor bug fixes and general improvements


    From the Creators of Stronghold
    Grand Strategy MMO
    Free to Play
    5 Million Players

    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.

    ..::: FEATURES :::..

    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.

    ..::: PRESS :::..

    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade

    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer

    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps

    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..

    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!

    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.

    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..

    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..

    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.

    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!

    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.

    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

  • 版本30.140.1840

    Minor bug fixes and general improvements


    From the Creators of Stronghold
    Grand Strategy MMO
    Free to Play
    5 Million Players

    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.

    ..::: FEATURES :::..

    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.

    ..::: PRESS :::..

    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade

    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer

    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps

    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..

    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!

    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.

    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..

    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..

    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.

    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!

    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.

    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

  • 版本30.140.1832

    - Minor bug fixes and general improvements


    From the Creators of Stronghold
    Grand Strategy MMO
    Free to Play
    5 Million Players

    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.

    ..::: FEATURES :::..

    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.

    ..::: PRESS :::..

    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade

    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer

    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps

    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..

    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!

    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.

    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..

    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..

    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.

    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!

    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.

    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

  • 版本30.140.1800

    ►► From the Creators of Stronghold ◄◄
    ►► Grand Strategy MMO ◄◄
    ►► Free to Play ◄◄
    ►► 5 Million Players ◄◄

    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.

    ..::: FEATURES :::..

    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.

    ..::: PRESS :::..

    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade

    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer

    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps

    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..

    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!

    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.

    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..

    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com

    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..

    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.

    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!

    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.

    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

  • 版本30.140.1796

    - Added UI support for the aspect ratio of the new iPad Mini
    - Added support and content for our next upcoming new world release
    - Other minor bug fixes and improvements


    ►► From the Creators of Stronghold ◄◄
    ►► Grand Strategy MMO ◄◄
    ►► Free to Play ◄◄
    ►► 5 Million Players ◄◄
    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.
    ..::: FEATURES :::..
    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.
    ..::: PRESS :::..
    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade
    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer
    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps
    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..
    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!
    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.
    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..
    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com
    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..
    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.
    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!
    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.
    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

  • 版本30.140.1787

    - Fixed an issue that allowed donations to be sent to Capital Buildings while they were upgrading
    - Parish Castles now no longer incorrectly display that they are not enclosed
    - Added extra information to the UI for AI worlds to better describe how they behave in comparison to traditional Worlds



  • 版本30.139.1778

    - Capitals now display their interdiction status
    - Players can now view their Faith Point cap
    - Minor bug fixes and general improvements


    ►► From the Creators of Stronghold ◄◄
    ►► Grand Strategy MMO ◄◄
    ►► Free to Play ◄◄
    ►► 5 Million Players ◄◄
    Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research new technology, forge alliances and fight for the eternal glory of your House.
    ..::: FEATURES :::..
    *** BUILD an online stronghold and protect it with impenetrable castle defences.
    *** RULE the Middle Ages and wage war across England, Europe or the world!
    *** BESIEGE enemies, trade with factions and explore a medieval world filled with thousands of other players.
    *** RESEARCH new technology and become a trader, farmer, crusader, diplomat or warlord.
    *** LEAD your faction to victory and forge alliances, becoming the elected leader in a player-controlled political RTS.
    *** PLAY FOR FREE on your Android phone or tablet, with frequent updates and cross-platform multiplayer.
    ..::: PRESS :::..
    “Blown away by the sheer scale of the game” – Touch Arcade
    “A world map that’s constantly shifting and adapting” – Pocket Gamer
    “Take over entire countries - assuming you can maintain control” – 148 Apps
    ..::: DESCRIPTION :::..
    Stronghold Kingdoms is the MMO successor to the Stronghold castle building series, most famous for the original Stronghold (2001) and Stronghold: Crusader (2002). Unlike the original and Crusader, Kingdoms allows players to relive the Middle Ages in the world’s first castle MMO. A cross-platform strategy game, Kingdoms invites mobile and desktop players to battle together online by thrusting the Middle Ages and famous Stronghold characters into a persistent MMO world. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war effort, pillage your neighbour’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all!
    Only by engaging enemy troops, taking back villages from The Wolf and winning votes in the political arena can players hope to succeed. Stronghold Kingdoms is set in a fast-paced, challenging game world designed for large numbers of players working together in pursuit of a common goal.
    ..::: COMMUNITY :::..
    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/StrongholdKingdoms
    Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/PlayStronghold
    YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fireflyworlds
    Support – http://support.strongholdkingdoms.com
    ..::: MESSAGE FROM FIREFLY :::..
    We designed Stronghold Kingdoms to be the first fully fledged PvP (player versus player) strategy MMO RTS for mobile devices. As a developer we’re best known for the core Stronghold series, which sees you besiege friends and war against AI opponents like The Wolf. With Kingdoms we’re taking Stronghold online, giving players an immersive medieval game world populated by real players, war and political strife. Firefly is a small independent developer with a lot of respect for our players, so we’d love to hear your thoughts on Kingdoms! Please try the game out for yourself (it’s free to play) and send us a message using one of the community links above.
    Thanks for playing from everyone at Firefly Studios!
    Please Note: Stronghold Kingdoms is a free to play MMO RTS, however players are able to purchase game items using real money via in-app purchases. If you don’t wish to use this feature you can add authentication for in-app purchases on your Android device and enjoy a completely free to play experience. Stronghold Kingdoms also requires a network connection to play.
    Like the game? Please support us with a 5-star rating!

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