

e-Sword: Bible Study to Go
Eine Seminarbibliothek zum Preis einer Tasse Kaffee! Schau dir alles an, was du bekommst ...
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  • 版本6.6
    Eine Seminarbibliothek zum Preis einer Tasse Kaffee! Schau dir alles an, was du bekommst ...

    The Bible History is now saved between sessions! The listing is automatically trimmed as needed, but you can always clear the listing whenever you want to.


    TL;DR – Es sind so viele biblische Ressourcen kostenlos enthalten, dass andere Apps Hunderte von Dollar für die Freischaltung verlangen!

    Amerikanische Standardversion
    Bibel in einfachem Englisch
    Brentons englische Septuaginta
    Zeitgenössische englische Version
    Leicht lesbare Version
    Englische Standardversion
    Eth Cepher
    Gute Nachrichten-Bibel
    Internationale Standardversion
    Altes Testament der Jewish Publication Society
    King James Version mit Strong's Numbers
    Lexham Englische Bibel
    Wörtliche Standardversion
    Moderne King-James-Version
    Überarbeitete Version
    Die Passionsübersetzung
    Das Heilmittel im Neuen Testament
    Die Heiligen Schriften 2009
    Baum des Lebens-Version
    Weltenglische Bibel
    * Plus viele weitere Bibeln in über 70 Sprachen!

    Ein populärer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
    Adam Clarkes Kommentar zur Bibel
    Anmerkungen von Albert Barnes zur Bibel
    Chuck Smiths Through the Bible Commentary
    David Guziks bleibender Wortkommentar
    Dr. Kretzmanns populärer Kommentar
    Ausstellungen zur Heiligen Schrift
    Bibelkommentar des Auslegers
    Große Texte der Bibel
    Haydocks katholischer Bibelkommentar
    Kommentar von Jamieson, Fausset und Brown
    John Darbys Synopsis der Bibel
    John Gills Darstellung der gesamten Bibel
    John Wesleys Anmerkungen zur Bibel
    Joseph Bensons Kommentar zum Alten und Neuen Testament
    Keil & Delitzsch Kommentar zum Alten Testament
    Matthew Henrys Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel
    Kommentar des armen Mannes
    Bibelkommentar zur Predigt
    Zusammengefasste Bibel
    Der biblische Illustrator
    Die Cambridge-Bibel für Schulen und Hochschulen
    Die Begleitbibel
    Das Neue Testament des Volkes
    Der vollständige homiletische Kommentar des Predigers
    Der Kanzelkommentar
    Die Schatzkammer Davids
    Tag für Tag durch die Bibel
    Schatzkammer des Schriftwissens
    Wortbilder im Neuen Testament
    Wortstudien im Neuen Testament

    Tag für Tag durch Gnade
    Morgen Abend
    Unser täglicher Spaziergang
    Bäche in der Wüste
    Die Zeit des gebeugten Knies

    Zyklopädie der biblischen, theologischen und kirchlichen Literatur
    Eastons Bibelwörterbuch
    Faustets Bibelwörterbuch
    Hastings' Wörterbuch der Bibel
    Hitchcocks Bibelnamen
    Internationale Standard-Bibel-Enzyklopädie
    Naves aktuelle Bibel
    Konkordanz des armen Mannes
    Smiths Bibelwörterbuch
    Torreys neues aktuelles Lehrbuch
    Websters Wörterbuch von 1828

    Althebräisches Lexikon der Bibel
    Die hebräischen Definitionen von Brown-Driver-Briggs
    Mounce Prägnantes Griechisch-Englisch-Wörterbuch
    Strongs hebräische und griechische Wörterbücher
    Thayers griechische Definitionen

    Eine vierfache Erlösung (Arthur W. Pink)
    Absolute Hingabe (Andrew Murray)
    Altertümer der Juden (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Glaubensbekenntnisse der Christenheit (Philip Schaff)
    David – Hirte, Psalmist, König (F. B. Meyer)
    Dispensationale Wahrheit (Clarence Larkin)
    Foxes Buch der Märtyrer (John Foxe)
    Geschichte der christlichen Kirche (Philip Schaff)
    Wie man die Bibel studiert (R. A. Torrey)
    In seinen Schritten (Charles M. Sheldon)
    Institute der christlichen Religion (Johannes Calvin)
    Jeremia – Priester und Prophet (F. B. Meyer)
    Joseph – Geliebter, Gehasster, Erhabener (F. B. Meyer)
    Wissen über das Heilige (A. W. Tozer)
    Petrus – Fischer, Jünger, Apostel (F. B. Meyer)
    Gebet und betende Männer (E. M. Bounds)
    Der heilige Paulus der Reisende (William M. Ramsay)
    Ernsthafter Aufruf zu einem frommen und heiligen Leben (William Law)
    Skizzen des jüdischen Soziallebens (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Eigenschaften Gottes (Arthur W. Pink)
    Das tiefere christliche Leben (Andrew Murray)
    Die Grundlagen des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das Leben und die Zeiten Jesu, des Messias (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Notwendigkeit des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das überwindende Leben (D. L. Moody)
    Die Möglichkeiten des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das Streben nach Gott (A. W. Tozer)
    Die Realität des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Der Tempel: Sein Dienst und Dienst (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Ausbildung der Zwölf (A. B. Bruce)
    Der wahre Weinstock (Andrew Murray)
    Die Waffe des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Für Christus gefoltert (Richard Wurmbrand)
    Kriege der Juden (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Mit Christus in der Gebetsschule (Andrew Murray)

  • 版本6.5
    Eine Seminarbibliothek zum Preis einer Tasse Kaffee! Schau dir alles an, was du bekommst ...

    Bible searches can now use Regular Expressions! Just wrap the expression in the REGEX() command, for example:

    Bible search results can now be viewed all at once, along with a summary analysis of the results.

    Bible search results can now be tagged to one or more categories, essentially saving those results.


    TL;DR – Es sind so viele biblische Ressourcen kostenlos enthalten, dass andere Apps Hunderte von Dollar für die Freischaltung verlangen!

    Amerikanische Standardversion
    Bibel in einfachem Englisch
    Brentons englische Septuaginta
    Zeitgenössische englische Version
    Leicht lesbare Version
    Englische Standardversion
    Eth Cepher
    Gute Nachrichten-Bibel
    Internationale Standardversion
    Altes Testament der Jewish Publication Society
    King James Version mit Strong's Numbers
    Lexham Englische Bibel
    Wörtliche Standardversion
    Moderne King-James-Version
    Überarbeitete Version
    Die Passionsübersetzung
    Das Heilmittel im Neuen Testament
    Die Heiligen Schriften 2009
    Baum des Lebens-Version
    Weltenglische Bibel
    * Plus viele weitere Bibeln in über 70 Sprachen!

    Ein populärer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
    Adam Clarkes Kommentar zur Bibel
    Anmerkungen von Albert Barnes zur Bibel
    Chuck Smiths Through the Bible Commentary
    David Guziks bleibender Wortkommentar
    Dr. Kretzmanns populärer Kommentar
    Ausstellungen zur Heiligen Schrift
    Bibelkommentar des Auslegers
    Große Texte der Bibel
    Haydocks katholischer Bibelkommentar
    Kommentar von Jamieson, Fausset und Brown
    John Darbys Synopsis der Bibel
    John Gills Darstellung der gesamten Bibel
    John Wesleys Anmerkungen zur Bibel
    Joseph Bensons Kommentar zum Alten und Neuen Testament
    Keil & Delitzsch Kommentar zum Alten Testament
    Matthew Henrys Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel
    Kommentar des armen Mannes
    Bibelkommentar zur Predigt
    Zusammengefasste Bibel
    Der biblische Illustrator
    Die Cambridge-Bibel für Schulen und Hochschulen
    Die Begleitbibel
    Das Neue Testament des Volkes
    Der vollständige homiletische Kommentar des Predigers
    Der Kanzelkommentar
    Die Schatzkammer Davids
    Tag für Tag durch die Bibel
    Schatzkammer des Schriftwissens
    Wortbilder im Neuen Testament
    Wortstudien im Neuen Testament

    Tag für Tag durch Gnade
    Morgen Abend
    Unser täglicher Spaziergang
    Bäche in der Wüste
    Die Zeit des gebeugten Knies

    Zyklopädie der biblischen, theologischen und kirchlichen Literatur
    Eastons Bibelwörterbuch
    Faustets Bibelwörterbuch
    Hastings' Wörterbuch der Bibel
    Hitchcocks Bibelnamen
    Internationale Standard-Bibel-Enzyklopädie
    Naves aktuelle Bibel
    Konkordanz des armen Mannes
    Smiths Bibelwörterbuch
    Torreys neues aktuelles Lehrbuch
    Websters Wörterbuch von 1828

    Althebräisches Lexikon der Bibel
    Die hebräischen Definitionen von Brown-Driver-Briggs
    Mounce Prägnantes Griechisch-Englisch-Wörterbuch
    Strongs hebräische und griechische Wörterbücher
    Thayers griechische Definitionen

    Eine vierfache Erlösung (Arthur W. Pink)
    Absolute Hingabe (Andrew Murray)
    Altertümer der Juden (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Glaubensbekenntnisse der Christenheit (Philip Schaff)
    David – Hirte, Psalmist, König (F. B. Meyer)
    Dispensationale Wahrheit (Clarence Larkin)
    Foxes Buch der Märtyrer (John Foxe)
    Geschichte der christlichen Kirche (Philip Schaff)
    Wie man die Bibel studiert (R. A. Torrey)
    In seinen Schritten (Charles M. Sheldon)
    Institute der christlichen Religion (Johannes Calvin)
    Jeremia – Priester und Prophet (F. B. Meyer)
    Joseph – Geliebter, Gehasster, Erhabener (F. B. Meyer)
    Wissen über das Heilige (A. W. Tozer)
    Petrus – Fischer, Jünger, Apostel (F. B. Meyer)
    Gebet und betende Männer (E. M. Bounds)
    Der heilige Paulus der Reisende (William M. Ramsay)
    Ernsthafter Aufruf zu einem frommen und heiligen Leben (William Law)
    Skizzen des jüdischen Soziallebens (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Eigenschaften Gottes (Arthur W. Pink)
    Das tiefere christliche Leben (Andrew Murray)
    Die Grundlagen des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das Leben und die Zeiten Jesu, des Messias (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Notwendigkeit des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das überwindende Leben (D. L. Moody)
    Die Möglichkeiten des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das Streben nach Gott (A. W. Tozer)
    Die Realität des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Der Tempel: Sein Dienst und Dienst (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Ausbildung der Zwölf (A. B. Bruce)
    Der wahre Weinstock (Andrew Murray)
    Die Waffe des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Für Christus gefoltert (Richard Wurmbrand)
    Kriege der Juden (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Mit Christus in der Gebetsschule (Andrew Murray)

  • 版本6.1
    Eine Seminarbibliothek zum Preis einer Tasse Kaffee! Schau dir alles an, was du bekommst ...

    Highlighting, Tagging, Notes, etc., can now be done in the Reading (BRP) view.


    TLDR: Es sind so viele biblische Ressourcen enthalten, für deren Freischaltung andere Apps Hunderte von Dollar verlangen!

    Amerikanische Standardversion
    Bereanische Studienbibel
    Bibel in einfachem Englisch
    Brentons englische Septuaginta
    Zeitgenössische englische Fassung
    Bibel von Douay-Rheims
    Leicht lesbare Version
    Englische Standardversion
    Eth Cepher
    Bibel der guten Nachricht
    Internationale Standardversion
    Jüdische Publikationsgesellschaft Altes Testament
    King James Version mit Strong's Numbers
    Englische Lexham-Bibel
    Wörtliche Standardversion
    Moderne King-James-Version
    Überarbeitete Version
    Die Passionsübersetzung
    Das Heilmittel Neues Testament
    Die Heilige Schrift 2009
    Baum des Lebens-Version
    Englische Weltbibel
    * Außerdem viele weitere Bibeln in über 70 Sprachen!

    Ein populärer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
    Adam Clarkes Kommentar zur Bibel
    Albert Barnes' Notizen zur Bibel
    Chuck Smiths Through the Bible Commentary
    David Guziks Enduring Word Commentary
    Dr. Kretzmanns populärer Kommentar
    Auslegungen der Heiligen Schrift
    Bibelkommentar des Auslegers
    Große Texte der Bibel
    Haydocks katholischer Bibelkommentar
    Kommentar von Jamieson, Fausset und Brown
    John Darbys Synopsis of the Bible
    John Gills Ausstellung der gesamten Bibel
    John Wesleys Notizen zur Bibel
    Joseph Bensons Kommentar zum Alten und Neuen Testament
    Keil & Delitzsch Kommentar zum Alten Testament
    Matthew Henrys Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel
    Kommentar des armen Mannes
    Scofield Reference Bible Notes
    Predigt Bibelkommentar
    Zusammengefasste Bibel
    Der biblische Illustrator
    Die Cambridge-Bibel für Schulen und Hochschulen
    Die Begleitbibel
    Das Neue Testament des Volkes
    Der vollständige homiletische Kommentar des Predigers
    Der Kanzelkommentar
    Die Schatzkammer Davids
    Durch die Bibel Tag für Tag
    Schatzkammer des biblischen Wissens
    Wortbilder im Neuen Testament
    Wortkunde im Neuen Testament

    TÄGLICHE Andachten
    Tag für Tag durch Gnade
    Andächtige Predigten
    Morgen Abend
    Unser täglicher Spaziergang
    Bäche in der Wüste
    Die Bent-Knee-Zeit

    Cyclopedia der biblischen, theologischen und kirchlichen Literatur
    Eastons Bibellexikon
    Faustets Bibellexikon
    Hastings Wörterbuch der Bibel
    Hitchcocks biblische Namen
    Internationale Standard-Bibelenzyklopädie
    Naves aktuelle Bibel
    Die Konkordanz des armen Mannes
    Smiths Bibellexikon
    Torreys neues aktuelles Lehrbuch
    Websters Wörterbuch von 1828

    Althebräisches Lexikon der Bibel
    Hebräische Definitionen von Brown-Driver-Briggs
    Mounce kurzes griechisch-englisches Wörterbuch
    Strongs hebräische und griechische Wörterbücher
    Thayers griechische Definitionen

    Eine vierfache Erlösung (Arthur W. Pink)
    Absolute Hingabe (Andrew Murray)
    Altertümer der Juden (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Glaubensbekenntnisse der Christenheit (Philip Schaff)
    David - Hirte, Psalmist, König (F. B. Meyer)
    Dispensationale Wahrheit (Clarence Larkin)
    Foxes Buch der Märtyrer (John Foxe)
    Geschichte der christlichen Kirche (Philip Schaff)
    Wie man die Bibel studiert (R. A. Torrey)
    Auf seinen Spuren (Charles M. Sheldon)
    Institute der christlichen Religion (Johannes Calvin)
    Jeremia - Priester und Prophet (F. B. Meyer)
    Joseph - Geliebt, gehasst, erhaben (F. B. Meyer)
    Wissen des Heiligen (A. W. Tozer)
    Petrus - Fischer, Jünger, Apostel (F. B. Meyer)
    Gebet und betende Männer (E. M. Bounds)
    Der heilige Paul der Reisende (William M. Ramsay)
    Ernsthafter Aufruf zu einem frommen und heiligen Leben (William Law)
    Skizzen jüdischen Gesellschaftslebens (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Attribute Gottes (Arthur W. Pink)
    Das tiefere christliche Leben (Andrew Murray)
    Die Grundlagen des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Leben und Zeiten Jesu des Messias (Alfred Edersheim)
    Die Notwendigkeit des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Die Überwindung des Lebens (D. L. Moody)
    Die Möglichkeiten des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Das Streben nach Gott (A. W. Tozer)
    Die Realität des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Der Tempel: Sein Dienst und Dienst (Alfred Edersheim)
    Das Training der Zwölf (A. B. Bruce)
    Die wahre Rebe (Andrew Murray)
    Die Waffe des Gebets (E. M. Bounds)
    Für Christus gefoltert (Richard Wurmbrand)
    Judenkriege (Flavius ​​Josephus)
    Mit Christus in der Gebetsschule (Andrew Murray)

  • 版本5.0
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!

    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!

    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!

    STRONG'S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.

    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.

    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.

    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).

    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.

    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.

    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong's numbers study Bible, the Strong's Lexicon, Smith's Bible dictionary, Meyer's devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon's Morning & Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!

    Also available are some "locked" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.

    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.

    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!

  • 版本4.0
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!

    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!

    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!

    STRONG'S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.

    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.

    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.

    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).

    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.

    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.

    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong's numbers study Bible, the Strong's Lexicon, Smith's Bible dictionary, Meyer's devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon's Morning & Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!

    Also available are some "locked" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.

    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.

    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!

  • 版本3.0
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    * New Study Notes feature! Double-tap on a verse's reference link and choose Note from the popup menu to display the Editor used to add or edit notes.
    * New Custom Categories feature for tagging your favorite Bible verses with your own unique labels.
    * You can now rename the Highlight labels using any description you prefer.
    * New swipe gesture to navigate through the content if you have turned off the Navigation Indicators.


    e-Sword® — the world\u0027s most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world\u0027s most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!
    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!
    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!
    STRONG\u0027S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.
    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).
    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.
    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.
    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong\u0027s numbers study Bible, the Strong\u0027s Lexicon, Smith\u0027s Bible dictionary, Meyer\u0027s devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon\u0027s Morning \u0026 Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!
    Also available are some \"locked\" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.
    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.
    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!

  • 版本2.1
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    This is a maintenance release providing better support for multi-window (tablets), multi-screen (Surface Duo), and resizable window (Chromebooks).


    e-Sword® — the world\u0027s most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world\u0027s most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!
    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!
    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!
    STRONG\u0027S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.
    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).
    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.
    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.
    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong\u0027s numbers study Bible, the Strong\u0027s Lexicon, Smith\u0027s Bible dictionary, Meyer\u0027s devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon\u0027s Morning \u0026 Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!
    Also available are some \"locked\" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.
    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.
    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!

  • 版本2.0
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    * New double-tap gesture on Bible verse's reference link will display a popup menu with the following new features:
    • Bookmark — instantly bookmark verse.
    • Copy — copy 1 or more verses in a variety of formats.
    • Highlight — highlight 1 or more verses in a variety of colors.
    • Tag — tag verse with 1 or more categories.
    * New Import feature for adding third-party and user-made e-Sword modules!


    e-Sword® — the world\u0027s most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world\u0027s most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!
    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!
    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!
    STRONG\u0027S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.
    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).
    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.
    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.
    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong\u0027s numbers study Bible, the Strong\u0027s Lexicon, Smith\u0027s Bible dictionary, Meyer\u0027s devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon\u0027s Morning \u0026 Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!
    Also available are some \"locked\" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.
    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.
    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!

  • 版本1.0
    Studieren Sie die Bibel schnell und einfach!

    e-Sword® — the world\u0027s most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world\u0027s most popular mobile operating system! e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the intuitive layout and synchronization of resources. e-Sword is so easy to use there is no need to have a Help file!
    EVERYTHING NEEDED to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner. All Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, … everything is just a tap away!
    POWERFUL SEARCHES that are simple to use. Enter as many words you want to search for and select the settings. You can even search on Strong numbers!
    STRONG\u0027S DEFINITIONS are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    SCRIPTURE REFERENCES too are just a tap away and presented in a popover.
    COMPARE BIBLES quickly to see how the different versions translate a verse.
    PARALLEL BIBLE of your own design for comparing passages (tablets only).
    READING PLANS designed to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.
    No Internet connection is required to use e-Sword.
    e-Sword initially installs with the King James Bible and the King James with Strong\u0027s numbers study Bible, the Strong\u0027s Lexicon, Smith\u0027s Bible dictionary, Meyer\u0027s devotional commentary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Spurgeon\u0027s Morning \u0026 Evening devotional. There are over one hundred additional Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, reference books and devotionals that you can download and add to your library absolutely free!
    Also available are some \"locked\" resources which must be purchased from their publisher. These are copyright and licensing requirements which are unavoidable.
    Please note that e-Sword is an *ENGLISH* release (but does include Spanish and Portuguese UI localization.) There are dozens of non-English Bibles available, but all other content is in English.
    The perfect app on the perfect device. What are you waiting for? Download e-Sword today and get to studying the Bible!