轻松的小游戏,你拥有10滴水滴,游戏中的小水球,需要到4滴水才会破裂,游戏的任务是清除场景中所有的水滴,并进入下一关,最得最高的分数.当你所拥有的水滴数为0时游戏结束.在上班休闲时间,在车上,或者地铁上,或者其它很短的时间里,打开游戏玩一次,看看你的成绩如何.游戏的规则是你开始游戏时,分享给你的好友一起玩玩也许你的最棒的.如果你喜欢这个游戏,可以给游戏打分或者添加评论. 如何玩:点击游戏中的水珠,可以让水珠变大,最终水珠会破裂,然后向四个方向射出小水珠. 游戏特色: 智力学习! 益智休闲! 简单有趣! 它是免费的! 你准备好了吗? Easy games,you have 10 drops,small ball in the game,it will take 4 drops of rupture,the task of the game is to remove all droplets in the scene and enter the next level,the highest score.When you have the number drops to 0 o'clock game is over.Leisure time at work,in the car,or on the subway,or others in a short amount of time,game play,and see how your grades.the rules of the game are when you start the game,and share with your friends and play your best.If you like this game,you can add comments to rate a game or. How to play: click on the water droplets in the game,you can make drops big,water droplets will burst eventually,and then shot toward the four drops. The game features: Intelligence study! Casual puzzle! Simple and fun! It is free! Are you ready?