Use the Bluetooth Low Energy Radars and the Sound Finder, to find your lost hearing aids! These things are expensive, save money and time!:) Having the ability to check your phone for where your missing hearing aids might be hiding could save you some big headaches! To find your lost hearing aids, this app has THREE APPS IN ONE to increase your chances of finding your lost hearing aid. TWO BLUETOOTH PROXIMITY RADARS: There are two radar functions to find your lost hearing aid using Bluetooth low energy proximity. These finders show hints, Bluetooth low energy signal strength, and estimate the distance between you and your lost hearing aid to help find it for you in no time! SOUND FINDER Use ten different alert sounds to find your missing hearing aids by sound detection. =>> Simply use the finding features to find the proximity of your lost hearing aid! NOTES: BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY: The Signal Radar and Radial Radar work with any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 and up) smart hearing aid. Your lost hearing aid must have a charge and be transmitting a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to be found with these two functions. SIGNAL RADAR: The closer you are to your lost hearing aid, the higher the Bluetooth low energy signal percentage. Move around to increase the percentage and you will find your lost hearing aid very quickly! RADIAL RADAR: The closer you get to your lost hearing aid the further the radial indicator will move to the right. Once you can move around to get the radial indicator to move to the right the furthest as possible, then your hearing aid is very close, have a look and you will find it! Think find the thimble, it’s very similar to “Hot” and “Cold.” SOUND FINDER: You must be connected to your hearing aids in iOS Bluetooth Settings for the Sound Finder to play the sounds to your missing hearing aids. (Settings =>> Bluetooth =>> My Hearing aids, Your hearing aids must still be connected in My Hearing aids). SUPPORT: