Our application allow you to use multi whatsapp number in same phone. You can clone someone's whats chat in your phone. Simply download our app and use its freely. It allow you to send whatsapp messages to any number without saving any numbers. You can make a repeatative text and send it to your contact using whatsapp. You can make ascci faces of letters or emoji and can share it. - This app is completely free for use and does not require to buy any coins or in-app purchases. It's 100% free. - If you want use ads free version of app then you have to do in-app purchase for removing ads from app. Features : 1. Whats Direct :- => Send text , image , video to your whatsapp contact without saving number. 2. Whats Web :- => User two whatsup in same phone. 4. Assci Faces :- => User can generate ascci faces of text and share it to social media 5. Qr Code :- => User can scan and generate QR code using application 6. Share App :- => User can share app 7. Rate App :- => User can rate our app 8. Push Notification :- => User can receive notification about app update 9. Remove Ads :- => User can remove ads from the app. 10. Multi Language Support :- - English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Thai How it works ?? -To send direct message without saving number just go to "Send Text" screen and enter necessary data with valid whatsapp number and press on "Send Message" button and thats it. Disclaimer : This app is made by individual developer and its not related or associated with WhatsApp inc.