“Those who thrive in Mayhem are the silent rulers of all.” Project Mayhem is an Alternate Reality Puzzle Game where Vision Consolidated has finally created the world's first complete Brain-Computer Interface called ‘INTELLECT’ with extensive capabilities such as telepathy, increased cognitive abilities, and integration with all things internet (including Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’). They claim that it will solve all the world’s problems. How and why was this product created in a technologically primitive world? What are their plans now? That’s for you to find out! Use your wits to barrel through 15 chapters of this story, each filled with creative puzzles worth going nuts about! Use all aspects of your device ranging from audio detection to augmented reality to see what Vision Consolidated is really up to! What aliens have said about the game: -“ 'u' mIpna' ghaH! ” What humans have said about the game: -“Really fun and unique. I can’t wait until Yush comes out with the next installment! I loved that he was available to help via the chat inside the game itself. I would happily pay $5-10 for this game to support this developer." - Ecokate -“I enjoyed this game a lot, and kudos to the developer for being open and easily reachable if you get truly stuck. I got stuck a couple times in the final level and he gave me a couple extra hints without just spelling out the answer. The game is full of fun ways of using your phone’s functionality and translating codes and such. I got stuck primarily because I had no idea a certain function on the phone existed. So if anything it helped me learn about some things about my own device too LOL." - BigJerBear ~Created with love from a small developer (not height wise) :)