真正的万年历,上下一万年! 计算中国传统农历和天干地支! 显示太阳系的行星位置! Calculate the day of the week for any date ! From 4,500 B.C. to 4,500 A.D. ! 9000+ years ! Shows the Moon phases and positions of planets ! • App内自由切换30种语言显示日期 Features in 30 calendar languages Sunday, May 20, 2018 English (Sunday, May 20, 2018) Chinese (公元2018年5月20日星期天) Korean (2018년5월20일 일요일) Japanese (平成30年5月20日 日曜日) Dutch (Zondag 20 mei, 2018) German (Sonntag 20 Mai, 2018) Russian (Воскресенье 20 мая, 2018) French (le dimanche 20 mai, 2018) Swedish (Söndag 20 maj, 2018) Turkish (Pazar, 20 Mayıs, 2018) Icelandic (Sunnudagur, 20 maí, 2018) Danish (Søndag, 20 maj, 2018) Spanish (Domingo 20 mayo, 2018) Norwegian (Søndag, 20 mai, 2018) Hindi (रविवार, 20 मई, 2018) Ukrainian (Неділя, 20 травня, 2018) Tamil (Ñāyiṟu, mē 20, 2018) Malay (Ahad, 20 Mei, 2018) Portuguese (Domingo, 20 mai, 2018) Czech (Neděle, 20 května, 2018) Slovak (Nedeľa, 20 máj, 2018) Hungarian (2018, május 20, vasárnap) Serbian (Недеља, 20 маја, 2018) Romanian (Duminică, 20 mai, 2018) Macedonian (Недела, 20 мај, 2018) Laotian (2018 phudsapha 20 vnoathid) Latvian (Svētdiena, 20 maija, 2018) Polish (Niedziela, 20 maja, 2018) Croatian (Nedjelja, 20 svibnja, 2018) Indonesian (Minggu, 20 Mei, 2018) You can switch between 30 languages instantly within the app. • Julian Date (JD) The day starts at noon on Monday January 1, 4713 B.C. For example, the Julian Date for 00:30 UT January 1, 2013, is 2456293.52 Days. • 伊斯兰历 Islamic Calendar It is the lunar calendar also known as the Hijri calendar. Due to the fact that the Islamic calendar relies on certain variable methods of observation, it varies by different persons, rather than actual astronomical calculations. • 中国传统农历 Chinese Calendar It is a Lunisolar calendar, has been used by Chinese for thousands of years. For example, the date 22:30 May 20, 2018, it is 农历戊戌(狗)年四月初六 or 戊戌年 丁巳月 壬子日 辛亥时. • 朝鲜半岛的农历 Korean Calendar (음력) The traditional Korean calendar, is still used to determine the Lunar New Year (설날) and the Mid-Autumn Day (추석) by the Korean people. It is similar to the Chinese calendar. • 显示3D太阳系和地月系 3D Solar System and Earth-Moon System Super easy to navigate and to find where the planets are at any time between 4500 B.C. to 4500 A.D. • 一周起始于星期一或星期日可以调节 Week starts with Sunday or Monday 2 modes: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun or Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat • 倒计日计算(年月日) Day Count (unit:days, months, years) For example, May 20, 2018 减 May 20, 1990 等于 10958天 或 30年 或 360月 • 儒略历 Julian Calendar Useful for history study. For example, the October Revolution occurred on 25 October, 1917 in Russia. At that time, Russians were using the Julian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar, it is on 7 November, 1917. 古时一年的开始在12月25日或者3月25日或者9月1日。如今一年的开始为1月1日,而且都统一使用格里高利历法。 这款App按照在历史研究和天文计算通行的惯例,从公元1582年开始使用格里高利历法(俗称阳历), 之前则用儒略历法。 因为伊斯兰历依赖毛拉本人的观察,而且伊斯兰历一天的起点是太阳落山,所以伊斯兰历的数值与天文计算所得到的数值有时会些许差别。