PassXYZ.Vault is an open source password manager application. It is compatible with the popular KeePass 2.x Password Safe for Windows. The features of PassXYZ.Vault are listed below: 1. KeePass compatible - support the latest KeePass data format 2. Device Lock - provide the highest level of security through Device Lock. 3. Two factors authentication - Generate One Time Password (OTP) compatible with Google authenticator. Support any OTP based on RFC 6238 4. Rich text editing with security notes - support rich text through Markdown markup 5. Fingerprint support - secure and easy to login with fingerprint support. Switchable between multiple database within a minute 6. Export/Import - data files can be exported/imported through various ways Bug reports and feature suggestions: Home Page and Help: Please read the below privacy notice before you download this application. Source code: This source code is licensed under GPL-3.0 License and you can get the source code at GitHub.