
• 免费使用
• 合理的管理现金、存款
• 交互式的图表显示账户情况
• 内置的100多种分类(饮食、娱乐、居家、健身)帮助您更好地记账
• 支持多个账户
• 多种货币灵活转换,自动联网更新汇率
• 出国旅行时使用本国货币进行统一花销管理
• 可以将开销分类(把钱花在什么地方了?把钱花在谁身上了?谁花了这笔钱?这笔钱用在什么项目上?)
• 为每一次消费添加图片、文字、语音备忘录
• 根据消费历史习惯合理进行预算规划
• 独一无二!语音识别!解放你的双手
• 独一无二!自动识别信用卡账单提醒您及时还款
• 独一无二!一次性预付的全年款项会自动帮您分摊到每月账单
• 快速 可靠 安全-具有密码保护以及云备份还原功能
• 管理你的现金流、支票、信用卡、电子钱包以及礼品卡
• 商务用户可以记录发票、收据、快递单据以及增值税
• 支持多个账户,商务用户可以分别管理公司消费以及家庭开支
• 可以在任何地方进行记账-无需互联网接入
• 个人财务管理-个人或者家庭的财务计算器
• 使用高级搜索选项来寻找特定消费
• 可以分享你的财务信息到社交平台上





HandWallet Expense Manager - Chinese version - is an award winning tool for finance management: balance your account, control your spending, plan budget, track expense and income and avoid over-draft.

How can an expense manager be both simple and intuitive and yet professional and strong?
HandWallet Expense Manager is an award-winning app for finance management: Balance your account, control your spending, plan budget, track expense and income and avoid over-draft.

• Manage your cash flow, checking, credit cards, e-wallet or giftcard
• Charts of your expense and income
• Voice recognition! Record your expense without typing

• Multiple accounts
• Multiple currencies. Automatically online exchange rates
• Travel abroad and manage all expense in your home currency!

• Can link each transaction to categories (what is the expense ?), location (where did this expense took place?), persons (who did the expense ?) or projects (to what activity this expense is related ?)
• Plan budget

• Personal accountant. Business users can track invoices, receipts, delivery notes and VAT
• Business users can manage different worlds: one for their business and one for their home

• Manage expense anytime anywhere - internet connection not required
• Personal Finance management: personal / family calclulator.
• Advanced search options to find a transaction
• Let you share your information to FaceBook, Twitter, Google and other social networks
• Ahead of Mint, Pageonce, EasyMoney, Daily Money and others
And more..

Why to use an expense manager ?
Because it will give you control of your financial life, help you to be organized, save you money and give you a better chance to discover your full financial potential.

Why to use HandWallet Expense Manager ?
Because it's the best expense manager app. And because we are creating expense manager and personal finance accounting software for 10 years and know exactly why most people want to manage expense but only few succeed.

How to start?
Download the app for free. Verify that your language, country and currency are correct. Hand Wallet will create 3 default accounts: cash, bank account and credit card. You can later change the names of these accounts by pressing the "Data" tab and then "Accounts", for example Bank of America, credit card visa or electronic wallet.
Then press the menu button and log your first expense.

Hand Wallet Expense Manager supports most east Asian languages (including Japanese, Korean, Malay and Vietnamese).