An English, NIV Bible with Shona translation Holy Bible that is completely offline. This is the only Bible app you\u0027ll need when attending a church service or personal devotion. You can highlight, bookmark, copy or share verse(s). The Bible is complete with both New and Old Testaments. The app is fully offline and you therefore do not need any Internet connection to be able to use it. Some of the features include: ✔ NIV Bible (New International Version) ✔ English and Shona verse translations side by side with different fonts for differentiation. ✔ Share verse(s). ✔ Bookmark verse(s). ✔ Copy/Paste verse(s). ✔ Highlight verse(s). ✔ Night/Dark mode. ✔ Daily Bible Verse devotional. ✔ Fully offline. ✔ Adjust font size for comfortable reading. ✔ Search any word(s) from across the Bible ✔ Completely Free to download app. The ideal for you Bible. Learn Shona or English while reading the Bible. Long press any verse(s) so as to be able to Highlight, Bookmark or Share.