

Spotlight: Choose Your Romance
Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre issue.
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  • 版本1.8.3
    Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre issue.

    Pourquoi lire quand vous pouvez jouer à des histoires interactives Spotlight qui vous permettent de choisir votre propre chemin !

    Sortez avec qui vous voulez, choisissez comment vous interagissez avec les autres personnages et prenez le contrôle de la façon dont vous voulez que votre histoire se déroule.

    Spotlight est le dernier HIT qui donne vie aux histoires grâce à l'animation et au jeu de narration unique. Suivez votre cœur, tombez amoureux, nouez des amitiés... ou pas, c'est vous qui faites les choix ! Chaque décision est entre vos mains.

    Avec plus de 900 chapitres et différentes histoires parmi lesquelles choisir. Alors préparez-vous à plonger dans un monde rempli de romance, de mystère, de vengeance, de drame intense et de fantaisie qui vous accrochera ! Prenez des décisions à travers d'innombrables choix dans chaque histoire, et découvrez comment chaque choix vous mènera sur des chemins différents !
    Fonctionnalités :
    • Découvrez nos auteurs à succès d'Hollywood et du New York Times sur les originaux de Spotlight !
    • Plus de 900 chapitres et de nouvelles histoires hebdomadaires pour ne jamais vous ennuyer !
    • Cartes CG et mini-jeux à collectionner !
    • Personnalisez votre personnage de la tête aux pieds avec des tenues et des coiffures à la mode uniques et décorez votre propre chambre virtuelle.
    • Des mises à jour hebdomadaires et des histoires pour se gaver.
    • Engagez-vous et discutez directement avec la communauté des utilisateurs !

    Les meilleurs genres à se gaver :
    • Romance
    • Vampires et loups-garous surnaturels
    • Drame intense
    • Mystère et thriller sexy
    • Jeune adulte
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    Et bien plus encore ! Jouez maintenant pour le découvrir.

    Choix des meilleurs éditeurs et histoires populaires votées par la communauté :

    Derrière des portes closes : C'est votre première année d'université, y survivre ne sera pas facile ! Surtout quand Jake, alias votre meilleur ami, colocataire et amour non partagé de votre vie, a une nouvelle petite amie qui vous déteste. Mais vous rencontrez Zach Walker, le fils incroyablement sexy du sénateur de votre État…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben est le gars le plus sexy du campus. Toutes les filles veulent être avec lui, y compris Kelsey. Et quand elle décroche enfin une aventure d'un soir avec ce Roméo du campus, ils conviennent tous les deux qu'ils ne sont pas prêts à s'engager... dommage qu'il vient de la mettre enceinte ! Ben pourra-t-il intervenir et montrer à Kelsey qu'il est un bébé papa ?

    Maid for Three: Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous faites vos valises et quittez la maison pour la grande ville ?
    Un nouvel endroit peut être effrayant et avoir du mal à trouver un emploi pour joindre les deux bouts. Jusqu'à ce que vous tombiez sur une offre d'emploi qui semble trop belle pour être vraie. Extatique, vous concluez un contrat avec eux, pour vous rendre compte que vous avez été victime d'une arnaque !

    Le rival de mon demi-frère : Vous êtes arrivé à l'université déterminé à conquérir votre béguin de longue date, qui se trouve aussi être votre demi-frère ! Mais lorsque son frère de fraternité attire votre attention, vous êtes obligé de choisir entre l'amour tabou et l'idole de l'école.

    The Baby Mess : Vous et votre amie du lycée vous mariez dès la sortie de l'université, mais étant si jeune et téméraire, vous réalisez vite que vous êtes tous les deux incompatibles. Le mariage est sur le point de se rompre et vous décidez tous les deux de vous séparer, mais une nuit folle plus tard, vous découvrez que vous êtes ENCEINTE !

    In Love With A Cold Killer :Dans un monde de drogue, de sexe et de meurtre, Carter Reed est le tueur à gages le plus meurtrier de la mafia. Connu sous le nom de Cold Killer, il n'a pas de place dans son monde pour des choses stupides comme « l'amour », la « famille » ou la « normalité ». Ce sont les choses qu'il a sacrifiées pour devenir une arme sans cœur utilisée par les riches et les puissants pour tuer leurs ennemis. Il a signé son âme pour être leur serviteur, mais il ne s'attendait pas à ce que vous lui montriez que la vie ne se résume peut-être pas à la mort et à la destruction.

    Veuillez noter que Spotlight est un jeu en ligne qui nécessite une connexion Internet pour jouer.

    Suivez Spotlight pour tous les nouveaux détails et mises à jour :

    - Veuillez lire notre politique de confidentialité : http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - En jouant à Spotlight, vous acceptez nos conditions d'utilisation : http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.8.2
    Jouez les histoires les plus chaudes, vivez la romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    Pourquoi lire quand vous pouvez jouer à des histoires interactives Spotlight qui vous permettent de choisir votre propre chemin !

    Sortez avec qui vous voulez, choisissez la façon dont vous interagissez avec les autres personnages et contrôlez la façon dont vous voulez que votre histoire se déroule.

    Spotlight est le dernier HIT qui donne vie aux histoires grâce à l'animation et à un jeu de narration unique. Suivez votre cœur, tombez amoureux, construisez des amitiés... ou pas, c'est vous qui faites les choix ! Chaque décision est dans la paume de vos mains.

    Avec plus de 900 chapitres et différentes histoires parmi lesquelles choisir. Alors préparez-vous à plonger dans un monde rempli de romance, de mystère, de vengeance, de drame intense et de fantaisie qui vous accrochera ! Prenez des décisions à travers d'innombrables choix dans chaque histoire et découvrez comment chaque choix vous mènera sur des chemins différents !
    Caractéristiques :
    • Découvrez nos auteurs de best-sellers d'Hollywood et du NYT sur les originaux Spotlight !
    • Plus de 900 chapitres et de nouvelles histoires hebdomadaires pour que vous ne vous ennuyiez jamais !
    • Cartes CG et mini-jeux à collectionner !
    • Personnalisez votre personnage de la tête aux pieds avec des tenues et des coiffures à la mode uniques et décorez votre propre pièce virtuelle.
    • Mises à jour hebdomadaires et histoires pour se gaver.
    • Engagez-vous et discutez directement avec la communauté d'utilisateurs !

    Principaux genres à craquer :
    • Romance
    • Vampires et loups-garous surnaturels
    • Drame intense
    • Mystère et thriller sexy
    • Jeune adulte
    • Aventures de mauvais garçon et de mafia
    • LGBTQ+

    Et bien plus encore ! Jouez maintenant pour le découvrir.

    Sélection des meilleurs éditeurs et histoires populaires de la communauté :

    Derrière les portes closes : C'est votre première année d'université, y survivre ne sera pas facile ! Surtout quand Jake, alias votre meilleur ami, colocataire et amour non partagé de votre vie, a une nouvelle petite amie qui vous déteste. Mais ensuite, vous rencontrez Zach Walker, le fils incroyablement sexy de votre sénateur d'État…

    Enceinte positive : Ben est le gars le plus sexy du campus. Toutes les filles veulent sortir avec lui, y compris Kelsey. Et quand elle décroche enfin une aventure d'un soir avec ce Roméo du campus, ils conviennent tous les deux qu'ils ne sont pas prêts à s'engager... dommage qu'il l'ait mise enceinte ! Ben peut-il intervenir et montrer à Kelsey qu'il est le matériel de bébé papa ?

    Maid for Three : Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous faites vos valises et quittez la maison pour la grande ville ?
    Un nouvel endroit peut être effrayant et avoir du mal à trouver un emploi pour joindre les deux bouts. Jusqu'à ce que vous tombiez sur une offre d'emploi qui semble trop belle pour être vraie. Extatique, vous vous lancez dans un contrat contraignant avec eux, pour vous rendre compte que vous vous êtes fait arnaquer !

    Le rival de mon demi-frère : Vous êtes arrivé à l'université déterminé à gagner votre béguin de longue date, qui se trouve également être votre demi-frère ! Mais lorsque son frère de fraternité attire votre attention, vous êtes obligé de choisir entre l'amour tabou et l'idole de l'école.

    Le désordre des bébés : Vous et votre amoureux du lycée vous mariez dès la sortie de l’université, mais étant si jeune et téméraire, vous vous rendez vite compte que vous êtes incompatibles. Le mariage est sur le point de se rompre et vous décidez de vous séparer, mais une nuit folle plus tard, vous découvrez que vous êtes ENCEINTE !

    In Love With A Cold Killer : Dans un monde de drogue, de sexe et de meurtre, Carter Reed est le tueur à gages le plus meurtrier de la mafia. Connu sous le nom de Cold Killer, il n'a pas de place dans son monde pour des choses idiotes comme «l'amour», la «famille» ou la «normalité». Ce sont les choses qu'il a sacrifiées pour devenir une arme sans cœur à utiliser par les riches et les puissants pour tuer leurs ennemis. Il a renoncé à son âme pour être leur serviteur, mais il ne s'est jamais attendu à ce que vous lui montriez qu'il y a peut-être plus à vivre que la mort et la destruction.

    Veuillez noter que Spotlight est un jeu en ligne qui nécessite une connexion Internet pour jouer.

    Suivez Spotlight pour tous les nouveaux détails et mises à jour :

    - Veuillez lire notre politique de confidentialité : http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - En jouant à Spotlight, vous acceptez nos conditions d'utilisation : http://crazymaplesstudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.8.1
    Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.8.1 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Pourquoi lire quand vous pouvez lire des histoires interactives Spotlight qui vous permettent de choisir votre propre chemin !

    Sortez avec qui vous voulez, choisissez comment vous interagissez avec les autres personnages et contrôlez la façon dont vous voulez que votre histoire se déroule.

    Spotlight est le dernier HIT qui donne vie aux histoires grâce à l'animation et à un jeu de narration unique. Suivez votre cœur, tombez amoureux, nouez des amitiés... ou pas, c'est vous qui choisissez ! Chaque décision est entre vos mains.

    Avec plus de 900 chapitres et différentes histoires parmi lesquelles choisir. Alors préparez-vous à plonger dans un monde rempli de romance, de mystère, de vengeance, de drame intense et de fantaisie qui vous accrochera ! Prenez des décisions parmi d'innombrables choix dans chaque histoire et découvrez comment chaque choix vous mènera sur des chemins différents !
    Caractéristiques :
    • Découvrez nos écrivains à succès d'Hollywood et du NYT sur les originaux Spotlight !
    • Plus de 900 chapitres et de nouvelles histoires hebdomadaires pour ne jamais s'ennuyer !
    • Cartes CG et mini-jeux à collectionner !
    • Personnalisez votre personnage de la tête aux pieds avec des tenues à la mode uniques, des coiffures et décorez votre propre chambre virtuelle.
    • Mises à jour hebdomadaires et histoires à se gaver.
    • Interagissez et discutez directement avec la communauté d'utilisateurs !

    Principaux genres à bousculer :
    • Romance
    • Vampires et loups-garous surnaturels
    • Drame intense
    • Mystère sexy et thriller
    • Jeune adulte
    • Aventures Bad Boy & Mafia
    • LGBTQ+

    Et bien plus! Jouez maintenant pour le découvrir.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories :

    À huis clos : C'est votre première année d'université, y survivre ne sera pas facile ! Surtout quand Jake, alias votre meilleur ami, colocataire et amour non partagé de votre vie, a une nouvelle petite amie qui vous déteste. Mais ensuite, vous rencontrez Zach Walker, le fils incroyablement sexy de votre sénateur d'État…

    Positivement Enceinte : Ben est le mec le plus sexy du campus. Toutes les filles veulent sortir avec lui, y compris Kelsey. Et quand elle décroche enfin une aventure d'un soir avec ce Roméo du campus, ils conviennent tous les deux qu'ils ne sont pas prêts à s'engager... dommage qu'il l'ait mise enceinte ! Ben peut-il intervenir et montrer à Kelsey qu'il est un bébé papa ?

    Femme de ménage pour trois : Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous faites vos valises et que vous quittez la maison pour la grande ville ?
    Un nouvel endroit peut être effrayant et avoir du mal à trouver un emploi pour joindre les deux bouts. Jusqu'à ce que vous tombiez sur une offre d'emploi qui semble trop belle pour être vraie. Extatique, vous sautez dans un contrat contraignant avec eux, pour vous rendre compte que vous avez été victime d'une arnaque !

    Le rival de mon demi-frère : Vous êtes venu à l'université déterminé à conquérir votre béguin de longue date, qui se trouve également être votre demi-frère ! Mais lorsque son frère de fraternité attire votre attention, vous êtes obligé de choisir entre l'amour tabou et l'idole résidente de l'école.

    The Baby Mess : Toi et ta chérie du lycée vous êtes mariés dès la sortie de l'université, mais étant si jeune et téméraire, vous vous rendez vite compte que vous êtes tous les deux incompatibles. Le mariage est sur le point de se rompre et vous décidez tous les deux de vous séparer, mais une folle nuit plus tard, vous découvrez que vous êtes ENCEINTE !

    Amoureux d'un tueur à froid :Dans un monde de drogue, de sexe et de meurtre, Carter Reed est le tueur à gages le plus meurtrier de la mafia. Connu sous le nom de Cold Killer, il n'a pas de place dans son monde pour des choses idiotes comme "l'amour", la "famille" ou la "normalité". Ce sont les choses qu'il a sacrifiées pour devenir une arme sans cœur à utiliser par les riches et les puissants pour tuer leurs ennemis. Il a signé son âme pour être leur serviteur, mais il ne s'est jamais attendu à ce que vous lui montriez qu'il y a peut-être plus dans la vie que la mort et la destruction.

    Veuillez noter que Spotlight est un jeu en ligne qui nécessite une connexion Internet pour jouer.

    Suivez Spotlight pour tous les nouveaux détails et mises à jour :

    - Veuillez lire notre politique de confidentialité : http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - En jouant à Spotlight, vous acceptez nos conditions d'utilisation : http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.8.0
    Jouez les histoires les plus chaudes, vivez la romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.8.1 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.9
    Jouez les histoires les plus chaudes, vivez la romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.8.0 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.7
    Jouez les histoires les plus chaudes, vivez la romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.7.9 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.6
    Jouez les histoires les plus chaudes, vivez la romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.7.7 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.4
    Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    1.7.4 Bug fixes and performance enhancements. New chapters and stories to read.


    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.3
    Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

  • 版本1.7.2
    Jouez aux histoires les plus chaudes, vivez une romance et choisissez votre résultat.

    Why read when you can play Spotlight interactive stories that lets you choose your own path!

    Date who you want, choose how you interact with other characters, and take control of how you want your story to play out.

    Spotlight is the latest HIT that brings stories to life through animation and unique storytelling game play. Follow your heart, fall in love, build friendships... or not, you make the choices! Every decision is in the palm of your hands.

    With over 900+ chapters and different stories for you to choose from. So get ready to dive into a world filled with romance, mystery, revenge, intense drama, and fantasy that will hook you! Make decisions through countless choices in every story, and find out how each choice will lead you to different paths!
    • Check out our Hollywood and NYT bestseller writers on Spotlight originals!
    • 900+ chapters and weekly new stories so you'll never be bored!
    • Collectable CG cards and mini games!
    • Customize your character from head to toe with unique fashionable outfits, hairstyles, and decorate your own virtual room.
    • Weekly updates and stories to binge on.
    • Engage and chat directly with the user community!

    Top Genres To Binge:
    • Romance
    • Vampires and Werewolves Supernatural
    • Intense Drama
    • Sexy Mystery & Thriller
    • Young Adult
    • Bad Boy & Mafia Adventures
    • LGBTQ+

    And so much More! Play now to find out.

    Top Editors Pick & Community Popular Voted Stories:

    Behind Closed Doors: It's your first year of college, surviving it won't be easy! Especially when Jake, a.k.a your best friend, roommate and unrequited love of your life, gets a new girlfriend who hates you. But then you meet Zach Walker, the unbelievably hot son of your state senator…

    Positively Pregnant: Ben is the hottest guy on campus. Every girl wants to get with him– including Kelsey. And when she finally lands a one-night stand with this campus Romeo, they both agree they're not up for commitment... too bad he just got her pregnant! Can Ben step up and show Kelsey that he's baby daddy material?

    Maid for Three: What happens when you pack up your bags and leave home for the big city?
    A new place can be scary and struggling to find a job to make ends meet. Until you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true. Ecstatic, you jump into a binding contract with them, only to realize that you’ve been scammed!

    My Step-brother's Rival: You've come to college determined to win over your longtime crush, who also happens to be your stepbrother! But when his fraternity brother catches your eye, you're forced to choose between taboo love and the school's resident heartthrob.

    The Baby Mess: You and your high school sweetheart marry right out of college, but being so young and reckless you soon realize the two of you are incompatible. The marriage is on the verge of breaking and the two of you decide to separate, but one wild night later, you find out you're PREGNANT!

    In Love With A Cold Killer:In a world of drugs, sex, and murder, Carter Reed is the mafia's most deadly hitman. Known as the Cold Killer, he has no room in his world for silly things like "love," "family," or "normalcy." Those are the things he sacrificed to become a heartless weapon to be used by the rich and powerful to kill their enemies. He signed his soul away to be their servant, but he never expected you to show him that perhaps there's more to living than death and destruction.

    Please note that Spotlight is an online game that requires an internet connection to play.

    Follow Spotlight for all new deets and updates:

    - Please read our privacy policy: http://crazymaplestudios.com/privacy
    - By playing Spotlight you agree to our terms of service: http://crazymaplestudios.com/terms

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