Beerhive provides beer enthusiasts of all expert levels, a platform to create and exchange beer tasting profiles. It does this in a visual intuitive way, without relying on simplistic, subjective five-star ratings or long-winded written reviews. Beerhive helps you to improve your tasting skills, understand better why you like a beer and discover new beers based on your preferences. You can: TASTE ... a beer and store your findings online. You'll have access to your personal tasting notes, always and everywhere, via your smartphone. COMPARE ... your findings with those of the brewer (if provided) and the community of other Beerhive users. DISCOVER ... how your analyses differs from the community and further develop your beer tasting skills. EXPLORE ... which beers are similar to the one you tasted. Beer styles become obsolete since the beers are compared on more than 120 parameters. GET SUGGESTIONS ... on beers you'll most probably like based on your preferences. Follow us on - Twitter: - Facebook: - Instagram: