BirthdaysPro is the ultimate birthday organiser that makes every special day a treasured and unforgettable experience. With seamless syncing, effortless birthday tracking, and a commitment to leaving no event neglected, our app ensures you're always at the heart of the festivities. Stand out as the person who always remembers those special dates! Whether a partner, parent, sibling, cousin, coworker, friend, or acquaintance, remembering truly sets you apart and makes an impact. Let BirthdaysPro be your reliable sidekick, helping you make a meaningful difference on someone's big day. BIRTHDAY ORGANIZER Stay effortlessly organised and ahead of the game with the most user-friendly birthday app out there! Seamlessly sort your birthday list by date or efficiently arrange your contact list by name, ensuring a streamlined view of all your essential information. And with the convenient birthday calendar view, you'll have a bird's eye vantage point to promptly glance at upcoming celebrations. Say goodbye to missed birthdays and hello to stress-free planning with our easy-to-use birthday app! BIRTHDAY REMINDERS Forget forgetfulness and never miss an important date again with the help of crucial birthday reminders! Receive up to 2 notifications for each birthday to ensure that special day can't slip through the cracks. With the added flexibility of turning off birthday reminders for specific contacts and setting up birthday reminder repeats, you'll always be in the know and ready to celebrate. And to keep you constantly updated, our app features a handy badge on the icon, displaying the number of current events and birthdays happening today. ANNIVERSARY REMINDERS Make your love life and other significant milestones a top priority! Stay on top of major anniversaries and other unmissable dates with our anniversary reminders and contact reminders. Never let those cherished moments slip away! MANAGE YOUR CONTACTS & BIRTHDAY CALENDAR Filter and manage your birthday calendar and contact information more efficiently than ever. Seamlessly add or edit birthdays either directly in your phone's address book or on the BirthdaysPro app. Swiftly view the age, photos, and address book data of your contacts and flip to filter contacts with or without their birthday. Get ready to make every birthday countdown an exhilarating experience! Explore more birthday tracker features to help you stay ahead. BIRTHDAY CALENDAR EXTRAS Keep significant dates and contacts top of mind. With the extended calendar view function, you can display also other calendar events right in the app.  EXTENDED FILTERING Refine your list with precision! Easily filter by calendar event types or round events, such as anniversaries recurring every 5, 10, or more years. Plus, filter by address book groups, ensuring all your most important contacts are conveniently organised and accessible. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR CELEBRATIONS Seamless export and synchronisation are at your fingertips. Conveniently export your data to file, . excelExcel, or CSV formats, making it easy to manage and share. Sync with your calendar and iCloud, ensuring you're always up-to-date across all devices. Plus, keep your valuable data protected with a passcode, or touch Touch ID or Face ID. Stay in control and enjoy peace of mind with our powerful features! DOWNLOAD NOW Take charge of birthdays, anniversaries, and more, and never miss a special event again! Try the ultimate birthday app designed to keep you at the forefront of every upcoming celebration. Download our intuitive birthday tracker and contact reminder app today to kickstart the thrilling birthday countdowns for all the important people in your life! GET IN TOUCH For more information or to contact us, please visit Pay once - install on multiple iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) associated with the App Store account. Download today and start the birthday countdown for all your favourite people!