【多彩多姿-幸福家居】Color My Life,是一家三十五年的老公司,深耕經營了眾多健康&智慧產品,嚴選好物、講究品質及售後服務。 本公司也注重『靈、心、身、宅』全健康的生活品質,推廣孝道、好人好事、公益合作、分享蔬食、飲食健康……等等,期望透過我們的分享,讓家庭更美滿、社會更祥和、世界更和平。 【歡迎您下載APP,享受優質服務】 1.定期分享『好人、好事、好物』給您,讓您正能量滿滿。 2.各種優惠訊息及感恩回饋活動,讓您大省荷包! 3.產品出貨、可取貨時自動通知您,安心不漏接。 4.嚴密、多元金流服務系統,安全、便利有保障。 5.歡迎您成為合作夥伴,讓生活更加『多彩多姿』! CML has been serving for thirty five years by selling a lot of health & smart technology products, focusing on quality and after-sales service. We also pay attention to the quality of life and customer satisfaction by organizing Charity events, sharing Vegetarian dishes, healthy diets, etc. We hope that through our sharing we can make families, society, and the world more peaceful. Download the app and enjoy our best services. 1. Share "good news, good things, good people" to you, make your day full of positive vibes. 2. Be the first to know about sales and special promotions with push notification. 3. Automatic notification when the product is shipped or arrives. 4. Secure & diversified financial service. 5. Join us to make your life more colorful. Visit https://www.colormylife.tw/