iPyDE is a integrated python development environment for iPhone and iPad. Run code directly on your device and offline. Features: - Python3.11 with all standard libraries - Builtin terminal with 100+ UNIX commands - Run Python code locally - Pip installation of pure Python libraries - Run Jupyter Notebook locally - Game develop with sdl2, pygame - UI develop with Imgui, Kivy, Flet, Toga - Web develop with Flask, Django, Tornado - File explorer - Outline using ctags - 10+ Themes - Monaco editor for physical keyboard - PyCode editor for software keyboard - Highlighting and smart code completion - Multiple file Search - Git Version Control | Clone, Commit, Push Included c extension libraries: - numpy - matplotlib - pandas - scipy - sklearn - statsmodels - pysistent - pyemd - lxml - yaml - Pillow - OpenCV - SKImage - Pycairo - contourpy - sdl2 - pygame - imgui - kivy - Flet - Toga - BioPython - PyErfa - astropy - pygensim - pyproj - rasterstats - fiona - pyproj - rasterio - qutip - pyzmp