Bringing you the latest breaking news, videos and stories from all leading tennis news sources. The ultimate tennis news app with live scoreboard and news feed from dozens of tennis websites and video channels. This app's main goal is simple: Help you catch up on all tennis championships - news, scores & videos with minimal effort. Features: * Live scoreboard for all tournaments * A community of tennis lovers - post stories or polls, comment on stories, and tag articles and earn reputation points and badges! * An awesome widget * Videos curated from leading tennis news sources. * Full Coverage - for each story, see all coverage from a variety of sources with a single tap * Choose your favorite topics to stay informed and block topics you don’t want. You can follow players like Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Andy Murray, Serena Williams, and tournaments like: ATP and WTA tournaments. * Block source with one long tap and get push notifications for prominent tennis events * Collapsed mode makes it easy to skim fast through the news and a built in-app Read Later feature lets you save stories for later Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: