Let the Wolfram Personal Fitness Assistant help you get moving! Custom weight-loss calculators provide a personalized estimate of what it will take to reach your target weight goals. Fitness calculations for everything from running and cycling to yoga or gardening will tell you calories, fat burned, and more about any activity you encounter throughout your day. - Enter your personal measurements and discover the energy expenditure and fat burned for over 275 activities - Custom fitness calculations compute your estimated heart rate to help you determine your target heart rate - Compute the calories burned while performing everyday activities and get a more accurate picture of your caloric needs - Tailor results using combinations of variables like time, distance, speed, or pace - Calculate your BMI to see if you are in the ideal weight range for your height - Use custom weight-loss calculators to find out how long it will take to reach your target body weight and your required caloric intake - Calculate different measures of health: body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and body surface area (BSA) - Set goals using racing performance predictions based on your workout - Compute calories and fat burned while playing team sports like baseball, softball, volleyball, and track - Find out energy expended during any recreational activity, from surfing to fishing, hunting, or hula dancing - See how many calories you burn on specific daily tasks at home and work, like gardening or office work - Even compute calories burned during "inactivity," while meditating, sleeping, or sitting quietly The Wolfram Personal Fitness Assistant is powered by the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine and is created by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica—the world's leading software system for mathematical research and education. The Wolfram Personal Fitness Assistant draws on the computational power of Wolfram|Alpha's supercomputers over a 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi connection.