Stretchy will gently remind you when it’s time for your stretch break, then guide you through it. The goal is to help you stay mobile, active, and energized throughout the day. Early research suggests that a stretch break of just two minutes per hour can help reduce soreness, fatigue, and discomfort. One of the most persistent issues in the modern workplace is overexertion. If you're spending copious amounts of time hunched over in front of your computer, it's likely that you'll start to feel an ache here or there. Long periods of sitting can result in a tension headache, tight shoulders, and a sore neck. Choosing to stretch will reduce muscle stiffness, provide muscle relaxation, improve posture, and enhance concentration. **What Stretchy will do for you:** - You set a timer and we’ll take care of the rest -- Stretchy will remind you when it’s time for your exercise break. - Choose your session (2, 4, or 8 hours) -- We’ll help you stay active with a personalized break reminder. - Pick your pain and we’ll develop a tailored plan -- Stretchy recommends the best exercises based on your specific needs (neck, back and leg pain). - Weekly status checks to keep you in the right mindset -- We’ll help you stay motivated with simple tools to track your progress every step of the way. - Convenient stretch breaks at the office -- Stretchy gives you easy-to-follow exercises. Just follow their instructions and feel the results. There are a few simple things that you can do, right there at the office, to help improve your comfort and prepare for more productivity. Standing up and stretching could improve your health and boost your productivity. These simple stretches will help loosen up joints, refresh your mind, and decrease discomfort from sitting at your desk all day long. Stretchy will monitor your activity, then send you reminders when it's time for a stretch break. The app will walk you through the stretches, providing images and videos of correct execution, along with descriptions of what each stretch does for your overall well-being. Get up from your desk now and get moving with Stretchy. It’s free. - We are not responsible for any injuries that occur when you use our app. Use with caution.