You can use the app to manage your routines, plan your schedule and organise your daily tasks in a clear and easy way.
The app helps in increasing your productivity and keeping track of your to be done tasks.
You can easily add repeated alarm for your routine activities, or add an alarm to any specific task so you won't miss any of them.

Version 1.7
- Can synchronize your tasks with Google Tasks
- Widget has been added
- now you can create lists to group your different tasks
- Alarm Snooze
- now you can set the repetition to any time periods (months, weeks, days, hours or even minutes )
- Other theme and performance fixes and enhancements

Version 1.6
- Beside weekdays, now you can set the repetition to any time periods (months, weeks, days, or hours)
-  Dark theme has been added
- You can choose the tasks view type (list or grid)
- Now you can also add a task with only date without determining specific time
- You can add many tasks at once (saving each line as separate task)
- Select many tasks and share them as one task
- You can set the default ringtone for all tasks
- Other usability improvements