这是一款超级劲爆的游戏,过瘾的游戏,各种爆炸各种烟火,这只是个游戏而已,对手机和平板电脑具有良好的支持,适应各显示屏幕.游戏关卡丰富,充满挑战性.每一关都有一定数量的汽车要捣毁,利用你所控制的车辆开始你的制作吧.准备好了吗,那就开始. 如何玩:点击屏幕中箭头所指的方向,拖动后会出现一个彩色的指示箭头,松开手时就会向前方射击.撞击目标直到顺利通过为止. 智能手机的益智休闲游戏! 梦幻的小谜题! 华丽的图形和不同主题的关卡! 不断更新新的关卡! 它是免费的! This is a super Madden games,fun games,various kinds of fireworks explosion,this is just a game only for mobile phones and tablet PCs have good support,adapted to each display screen. Abundant game levels,challenging.Each level has a certain number of cars to be destroyed,you control the use of the vehicle to start making your right.Ready,get started. How to play: Click on the arrow in the direction of the screen,there will be a colored arrow indicates the drag,it will shoot to the front of the hand when the release hit the target until smooth by far.