Watchimise is the ultimate customisation tool you need to supercharge your Apple Watch :- ● Choose custom minimal icons to add to your watch. Think you'll look good with a jetpack? Well put that on your watch and let it represent you. ● Pink's too girly and Yellow's too shabby? Well, choose from a plethora of colour options to make the perfect coloured-icon to stand out on your watch. ● Really into cartoons? gaming? tech? food? Well, worry not, there is something for everyone in the carefully curated "Packs" that we have made for you. ● Share your custom made icon with your friends to see and discuss what will work the best on your wrist. ● The predefined icons are fine, but you want something truly personal? Worry not, go in settings and request a custom icon for yourself. Cool, eh? ● Confused about how to set the icon on your watch? Worry not, we have added a dedicated tutorial for your help along every step of the way. Have any query or question? Contact us directly from the app and we will always be happy to help!