Searching for the best dating app? Try Destiny! Once you have launched the application, you would be able to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere of love and chemistry. Sign up specifying your personal information. Press Luck button by tapping the letter “D” in the middle of the screen. And here it goes! You will be offered with the best-match man or a woman. Look at the photo and see the age, appearance, and location details below. Have a soft spot for a person you chose? Like him/her and proceed with interacting via personalized messaging. If you don’t feel sympathy towards the offered person, tap X button and keep on checking out the other profiles suggested by Destiny. The set of filters is the most important feature of this dating application. Using these filters you can set up your preferences for height, age, weight, and Zodiac sign. This option allows you to save your time and efforts. You don’t need to look through all the available profiles. Destiny offers you only those people who match your search parameters the best. Please see below all the available features of Destiny: - Use any of your accounts in the social networks or emails to log in or sign up. - Filter your search results using a set of criteria. - Look through a bunch of automatically suggested profiles. - Get push notifications to know what’s new. - Find people nearby specifying a place on the map. - Switch off your visibility in Destiny. - Communicate with your new friends via private messages. - Send video and photos up to 100 MB size and 1 minute long. New features and options are coming soon! Stay tuned. We will appreciate your feedback and reviews. Feel free to contact us about any issues or assistance at email . Download the Destiny app to feel special! Believe that people don’t meet by accident. Try this online dating tool that will definitely enrich your social engagement and communication.