密室逃脱游戏,是一种逃出密室的游戏,非常棒,是非常流行的益智休闲的游戏,是一款休闲益智解密游戏,你现在被困在了这里,你要以最快的速度离开这里,你遇到的麻烦是要怎么打开房间的门.你需要利用密室中所有隐藏对象去解决难题,从而得到房间的钥匙,才能顺利的进入下一关.游戏里场景丰富,玩家穿越时空体验各有有趣好玩的虚拟现实场景,在这个有趣,上瘾,自由和流行的益智游戏挑战自己. 密室逃脱游戏,大量的谜题,挑动你的脑神经,极具挑战性的谜题,通过各种操作,点击,滑动,重力感应等等方式进行游戏.每一道门都是一个谜题,通过图像上的滴滴点点的线索破解开门,海量极难的益智游戏,不断更新中.看看你的智商是否够高,那就开始吧. 游戏特色 虚拟现实的场景! 智能手机的难题! 成瘾的小谜题! 华丽的图形和不同主题的房间! 时尚的音效! 流畅的画面! 不断更新新的房间! 它是免费的! 你能逃脱吗? 你可以将它分享给你的朋友.如果你觉得游戏不错,可以给我们一个回馈. Escape room escape games,is an escape room game,very well,is a very popular puzzle casual game,decrypt is a casual puzzle game,you are trapped here,you have to leave here at top speed,your trouble is how do you open the door of the room.You need to use all hidden objects to solve puzzles in the Chamber,so get your room key,we can enter the next level smoothly.Scenes in the game rich players through time and space to experience the fun of virtual reality,in this fun,addictive,free and popular puzzle game to challenge yourself. Escape room escape games,a large number of puzzles and poke your brain,challenging puzzles,and through a variety of actions,click,slide,g-sensor,and so on for the game.Each door is a puzzle,through images of little clues to crack open the door to the last drop,a lot of very difficult puzzle game,constantly updated.See if your IQ is high enough,it would begin. The game features Virtual reality scenes! Smartphone puzzles! Addictive little puzzle! Gorgeous graphics and different theme rooms! Stylish sound! Fluid motion! Constantly updated new room! It is free! You can get away with it? You can share it with your friends ...If you think the game well,you can give us a feedback.