叮铃铃……闹铃响了。 你从睡梦中醒来,把它关掉,然后再次入睡。 大多数闹钟都会按时响铃,而有些闹钟会让你完成荒谬的任务,但所有这些都会让你在卧室中陷入半清醒状态。 不要再睡懒觉! 我们率先为你提供完整的解决方案,让你准时起床并准备迎接新的一天。 正如名字“Step Out!”(“走出去!”)所表明的那样,关掉闹钟的唯一方法就是从床上下去并走远(你仍然可以使用贪睡按钮 - 在有限的时间内)。它使用先进的图像识别和步数跟踪技术来检查你是否已远离你的床。 响铃后,应用程序会要求你拍摄指定地点的另一张照片,这应该是你醒来时通常会在的地方,比如浴室、厨房……所以你只需拍一张照片,然后例行公事(比如洗脸、做早餐)就行了。 另一种选择是使用计步器,它大大简化了这个过程。你醒来后可以带着设备到任何地方去。达到足够的步数后,闹钟将自动关闭。这只不过是一个更聪明的闹钟,无需额外的行动。你第一次使用就会爱上它。 功能细节 - 音乐闹钟 o在你最喜欢的歌曲中醒来 o移动时聆听它们 - 全功能闹钟 o用手绘迷你游戏轻松设置 o每日、每周的重复规则 o内置铃声 o贪睡按钮、振动、渐响和音量以获得完美的体验 - 动作追踪 o创新的动作追踪系统来感知你的步数 o智能反作弊系统以确保你正在行走 **重要提示:我们不鼓励用户在完全没有睡醒时快速走动,只有速度不太快时应用程序才会识别步数。 - 图像识别 o顶尖的图像识别引擎 o可以匹配水平和垂直图片 o严格的图像比较,确保你离开了床以及你的眼睛睁得足够大以拍摄正确的照片。 **建议:选择具有稳定光照条件的场景以获得更好的匹配结果。 - 睡眠定时器 o随着音乐入睡 o自动锁定并准备好下一个闹钟 - 手电筒 o便于在黑暗中行走 - 时钟 o全功能时钟 o显示/隐藏秒数,24小时制,…… • 500,000 HAPPY USERS can't be wrong! Just wake up and bring it away from your bed, AUTO-dismiss! • SMART, BEAUTIFUL and EASY-TO-USE WHAT OUR USERS SAID √ Finally! An alarm that irritates me enough to wake up √ Exceptional App!! This app is super super annoying... It really gets me out of bed √ Love it. It's the best alarm ever √ Great Alarm! Been having trouble getting up. No more! √ This app is so easy to use, and has all the perfect functions! I'll never be late again! FEATURED IN THE MEDIA √ Definitely one of the more “annoying” alarms to help you get up and out of bed in the morning. – AppAdvice.com √ If you are the kind of person who has a difficult time waking up after you’ve turned off your alarm, this app may help keep you from being late for work. - iDownloadBlog Also in MacWorld NL, AppsRumors, AppChronicles, etc. HOW IT WORKS As the name "Step Out!" implied, the only way you can turn off this alarm clock is STEPPING out of your bed (you still can snooze - in a limited duration). It uses advanced image recognition and step tracking technologies to check whether you’re far away from your bed. After ringing, the app asks you to capture another photo of a specified place, it should be where you usually be every time you wake up, such as the bathroom, the kitchen, ... So you just take a photo and do your routine work like washing your face or preparing breakfast. Another alternative is using the step counter, which simplifies this process into just nothing. You wake up and go to wherever you want with the device. After reaching enough number of steps, the alarm will automatically turn off. It’s simply a smarter alarm with no additional action., You’ll love using it from the very first time. FEATURES IN DETAIL - MUSIC ALARM o Wake up with your favorite songs o Listen to them when moving - FULLY FUNCTIONAL ALARM o Easy setup with hand-drawn mini-game o Repeating rule for daily, weekly alarms o Built-in alarm sounds o Snooze, Vibrate, Fade-in & Volume for the perfect experience - MOTION TRACKING o Innovative motion tracking system to sense your steps o Smart anti-cheat system to make sure that you are stepping **IMPORTANT: We do not encourage our users to step so fast when you are not totally awake, this app will just recognize the steps when you aren’t walking too fast. - IMAGE RECOGNITION o State-of-the-art image recognizing engine o Can match both horizontal and vertical pictures o Strict image comparison to assure you’re leaving your bed and your eyes opened wide enough to take the right picture. **HINT: Choose a scene that has a stable light condition for better matching results. - SLEEP TIMER o Fall asleep with music o Auto-lock and ready for next alarm - FLASHLIGHT o Easy to find way through the dark when you are stepping - CLOCK o Full feature clock o Show/hide seconds, 24 hour format, …