“MT的劲爆吉他:和弦与课程”应用程序是一个真实的吉他模拟器,它可能彻底代替真实的乐器。完美的声音、用户友好的界面和庞大的著名歌曲集让您陷入音乐的世界。 小并不意味着不好 如果使用“MT的劲爆吉他:和弦与课程”,您不但得到口袋乐器,而且可以享受全尺寸吉他的美妙声音质量。 真实乐器的丰富声音在您的手中:真正的质量在一个新的格式。 世界最热门的音乐歌曲在您的曲目 您会发现庞大歌曲集,它将各种各样的流派和时期的音乐结合在一起。弹奏世界著名乐曲、最佳摇滚歌曲或者自己的歌曲。通过丰富和详细的课程您可以学会旋律,或者弹奏最喜欢的乐曲来娱乐自己。 我们的模拟器完美的结合了真实吉他和最新移动电话技术的优点。“MT的劲爆吉他:和弦与课程”:您最喜爱的乐器总是与您形影不离! Subscription conditions: - After you subscribe, you can manage your account and turn off automatic renewal in Account Settings. - Your subscription is renewed automatically if you don’t cancel it within 24 hours before its expiration date. - When you purchase the app, your iTunes account is billed. - Subscription fees: 1 month - 17.99$. - Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. - Automatic renewals will cost the actual price shown in Subscription Conditions section. - Any unused time left on your trial subscription will disappear if you upgrade to the paid version. - Your personal data is stored securely. - Privacy Policy and Terms of Use https://musictrenddev.wixsite.com/guitar/privacy-policy https://musictrenddev.wixsite.com/guitar/terms-of-use