PDF是一款专业的多格式文档图片互转app,功能强大、专业简单,可以把不可编辑的PDF文档转换成Word/Excel/PPT/TXT/图片等文档,满足不同用户群体的专业全能FPD转换器。 【办公学习】转换效果清晰整洁,和原文件格式保持一致,方便您对资料进行编辑和整理,能够大量节省您处理PDF文件的时间。 【多种格式】支持常见的格式有Word、Excel、PPT、TXT、HTML等等诸多格式文件,可满足不同用户群体对不同文档的处理需求。 【格式互转】同样我们也支持PDF转换Word、PDF转换Excel、PDF转换PPT、PDF转换TXT、PDF转换HTML等格式,更方便的处理PDF文件。 【高效稳定】支持一键便捷转换,专业稳定的转换内核使转换过程中不会出现乱码、内容丢失等现象,真正实现文档的高质量无损转换。 【文件管理】软件安全加密,快速高质量地进行转换,不会遗漏任何内容,无需担心泄露问题。 支持文件格式: 各类office文件,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,png,jpg,html,txt等 关于转换原理: 文档转换在一个安全的云端服务器上完成,这使得转换更加容易、快速和省电,基于强大的转换内核,文档在换过程中不会出现乱码、内容丢失等现象,满足用户的高质量转换需求,文件在转换完成或取消转换后,将立即从服务器上删除,保护用户文档安全。 【自动订阅会员说明】 1、订阅迅捷PDF转换器VIP会员解锁以下功能:不限PDF office互转、不限PDF 图片互转、不限小功能使用次数及所有付费功能; 2、订阅价格:免费试用3天,此后每月¥18.00,自动续订; 3、付款:用户确认购买时,将向iTunes帐户收取费用; 4、续费会员:您订阅的迅捷录屏大师会员到期前24小时,苹果会自动为你从iTunes账户中扣费,扣费成功后顺延一个订阅周期; 5、如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机“设置”-->进入“iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择迅捷PDF转换器VIP会员服务取消订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时前关闭订阅的,将视为您同意继续授权,此订阅将会自动续订。 PDF Converter - PDF to Word is a professional PDF file converter app. With that, you can convert PDF documents from or to Word, Excel, PPT, JPG, PNG, TXT, HTML as many as ten kinds of key document format conveniently. As a multifunctional PDF Converter it can not only convert document format, but also read and open PDF files, compress PDF, split and merge PDF, encrypt PDF or remove protection from PDF files. You can install the PDF Converter app on your iPhone or iPad and convert PDF documents anytime, anywhere. No matter who you are, you can use this useful and efficient app to stand out of your group. [Office Learning] The conversion effect is clear and tidy, consistent with the original file format, convenient for you to edit and organize the data, which can save a lot of time for you to process PDF files. 【 Various formats 】 Support common formats such as WORD, EXCEL, PPT, TXT, HTML and many other formats, which can meet the processing needs of different user groups for different documents. We also support PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to PPT, PDF to TXT, PDF to HTML and other formats, more convenient processing of PDF documents. [Efficient and stable] Support one-button convenient conversion, professional and stable conversion kernel so that there will be no chaotic code, content loss and other phenomena in the conversion process, truly achieve high-quality lossless conversion of documents. [File Management] Software security encryption, fast and high quality conversion, will not miss any content, no need to worry about leakage.