TRI Coin is a native token that is developed upon Binance Smart Chain BSC(BEP20) to support the infrastructure or ecosystem of project future developments \u0026 funding. The total supply is 1,00,000 tokens. It has 18 decimal fractions that are known as \"TRI POINTS\". In-app you will be mining POINTS which will re-balance \u0026 will be converted to Coins when withdrawals open. It is pre mint token that has released in the market according to the pool size \u0026 a yearly token released according to halving cycles. The total supply will be released in a 4 years time frame. It can only be mined through mobile \u0026 it consumes less than 1% energy of your smartphone to mine it. Currently, It doesn\u0027t have its own blockchain so no block time in it but after listing development starts so, then we will focus on creating our own blockchain, till then we will be using the BSC chain \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Softcap \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Its soft cap is $100k, so we need at least $100k to run this project \u0026 after completing it, the team will go for listing. Listing exchanges will be declared before 1-2 days of listing. \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Total Supply \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d 1st year - 40,000 Coins 2nd year - 30,000 COINS 3rd year - 20,000 COINS 4th year - 10,000 COINS \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Earning Source \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d It earns money by showing ADVERTISEMENT because we aren\u0027t doing any ICO/IDO/IEO so this is the only way to get the funds and run this project. If in the future, ADS are stopped for some reason then this project will also be stopped. Ads are the main revenue for the project. \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Contract \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d If you want to see tokens then you can visit token contact address on BSCSCAN: 0xafc70341ba9008a3a3b6981b113326eb28501995 In the beginning, All supply is in hands of the team but as people mine it supply start distributed in people hand so after some time it fully decentralized.