中英双语秒切换 Switch between Chinese and English as you need 精彩赛事不间断 Continuous competitions and activities 双语人才齐汇聚 Bring together bilingual talents around the world 社交学习两不误 Enhance both social life and Chinese study at the same time “汉语桥”俱乐部APP旨在凝聚和服务全世界热爱汉语和喜爱中国文化的双语人才,是一款集查询、分享、参与、互动于一体的线上交流合作平台。在这里,您可以关注参与汉语赛事,查询获取文化旅游资讯,加入俱乐部并参与活动等。 马上下载汉语桥”俱乐部APP,加入我们的大家庭吧! The “Chinese Bridge” APP aims to gather and serve bilingual talents who love Chinese and Chinese culture from all over the world. It is an online communication and cooperation platform that integrates inquiry, sharing, participation, and interaction. Here, you can follow and participate in Chinese-related competitions, inquiring about cultural and tourism information, joining club and participating activities. Download the “Chinese Bridge” app now and join our big family! 【2022“汉语桥”世界中文比赛即将来袭】 【2022 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition is coming】 “汉语桥”世界中文比赛自2002年起已成功举办二十余载,架起了中国与世界各国青年之间相互学习,传递友谊的桥梁。第二十一届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛和第十五届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛即将来袭!在这里,你可以和选手们一起过关斩将,同步答题~还有更多精彩花絮尽在“汉语桥”俱乐部APP! The "Chinese Bridge" World Chinese Proficiency Competition has been successfully held for more than twenty years since 2002, which has set up a bridge of friendship and for mutual learning between young people from China and other countries. The 21st “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students and the 15th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students are coming! Come and challenge the competition with the players together~ and more exciting highlights in the “Chinese Bridge” APP! 【“汉语桥”线下站点汇聚线上】 【“Chinese Bridge” clubs worldwide are up online】 在众多热爱中文的“汉语桥”选手的积极推动之下,“汉语桥”俱乐部站点在全球多国落地开花,并接连举办了一系列如中国语言文化讲座、中文歌唱比赛、中国传统节日庆祝、走进中资企业等内容丰富、形式多样语言文化交流活动。在“汉语桥”俱乐部APP,你可以找到属于自己的俱乐部,获取最新动态信息,参与线上线下活动,并与明星选手零距离交流! Under the active promotion of lots of "Chinese Bridge" contestants who love Chinese and Chinese culture, the "Chinese Bridge" club have blossomed in many countries around the world, and successively held a series of lectures on Chinese language and culture, Chinese singing competitions, and celebrations of traditional Chinese festivals, Entering Chinese-funded enterprises and other rich and diverse language and cultural exchange activities. In the "Chinese Bridge" club app, you can find your own club, get the latest news, participate in online and offline activities, and communicate with star players at zero distance! 【走近中国,玩转中国】 来“汉语桥”俱乐部APP,走进“玩转中国”, “云赏”中国四季山川,品味中国风土人情。 【Get closer and know more about China】 Come to the Chinese Bridge APP, appreciate and taste China’s beautiful views and various customs.