你要觉得自己从“阿拉奥古斯塔OB virtutem appellata quingenaria”的罗马士兵? 虚拟文物展示的“哈德良长城。黑车炮塔”的精简版版本。虽然它是应用程序的精简版版本,它是全功能的。然而,为了使其游离,我们不得不把广告在其中。 “哈德良长城。黑车炮塔”是虚拟的3D之旅过沿着哈德良长城的最有趣的地方之一。黑车炮塔(又称塔29A)是在哈德良长城行了保存完好的炮塔。它是从罗马“Cilurnum”堡垒切斯特,和东部的“Brocolitia”堡垒Carrawburgh位于西部。它是由士兵从二十胜利缬军团(LEGIO XX瓦莱里娅Victrix)在公元123建造。 “哈德良长城。黑车炮塔”应用程序是由虚幻引擎技术的动力,是一个真棒新的方式来体验哈德良长城,古代世界的奇迹之一。通过使用Epic Games的获奖,最先进的游戏引擎,观众可以自由地访问这个三维重建纪念碑在自己的节奏中从事和教育方式。 哈德良长城是罗马军队在英国修建的最重要的纪念碑,是罗马帝国最戒备森严的边境。罗马皇帝哈德良来到英国公元122年,并下令最雄心勃勃的防御工事有史以来由罗马人建造的建筑 - 整个国家120公里长的防御墙前沟,军事方式和实施土方称垒墙。对于将近300年,哈德良长城是罗马帝国最有气势的前沿。 在英国,所有这三个罗马军团参加了工作:LEGIO二奥古斯塔(从卡利恩)LEGIO六Victrix(来自纽约)和LEGIO XX瓦莱里娅Victrix(距离Chester)联同船队水手 - classis大英百科全书。 每一个罗马英里军团建有小fortlet称为“milecastle”。每个milecastle之间站着用于观察和信令两个较小的了望塔和炮塔。该milecastles和塔楼有三个不同的设计,这取决于罗马军团建造他们,都相距约500米。 “哈德良长城。黑车炮塔”应用程序是一个实时的虚拟旅游在三维重建炮塔和墙壁毗邻的延伸,因为它可能在公元165的样子。如果你想感受像罗马士兵一个来自“ALA奥古斯塔OB virtutem appellata quingenaria”(辅助骑兵部队)巡逻的长城,这个程序是给你的。 产品特点: *本站由虚幻引擎 *完全叙述了炮塔由LEGIO XX瓦莱里娅Victrix建立一个虚拟的3D之旅 *大的孩子作为补充历史课(无广告,无应用程序内购买),让你的孩子探索我们的三维重建与任何其他游戏关卡 *黑车炮塔的详细的三维重建基于最新的考古发掘 *动画电影呈现的哈德良长城所有线性元素:沟,“宽”与“窄”墙,军事方式和垒墙 *“宽”与“窄”华尔街之间的区别。的「翼墙」的想法 *奇皮 - 由罗马军队的额外障碍系统 如果你喜欢我们的应用程序,请率。谢谢。 ---- Detailed app description in English ----- Do You want to feel like the roman soldier from "ala Augusta ob virtutem appellata quingenaria" ??? Virtual Heritage presents Lite Version of the " Hadrian's Wall. Black Carts Turret ". " Hadrian's Wall. Black Carts Turret " is one of Virtual 3D Tours over the most interesting places along the Hadrian's Wall. Black Carts Turret (also known as Turret 29A) is a well preserved turret on the line of Hadrian's Wall. It is located west from Roman " Cilurnum " fort in Chesters, and east from the " Brocolitia " fort in Carrawburgh. It was built by soldiers from the Twentieth Victorious Valerian Legion (legio XX Valeria Victrix) in 123 AD. " Hadrian's Wall. Black Carts Turret " app is powered by Unreal Engine technology and is an awesome new way to experience Hadrian's Wall, one of the wonders of the ancient world. By using Epic Games' award-winning, most advanced game engine, viewers can freely visit this 3D reconstructed monument in their own pace in engaging and educating way. Hadrian's Wall is the most important monument built by Roman army in Britain and was the most heavily fortified border in the Roman Empire. Roman emperor Hadrian came to Britain in 122 AD and ordered the construction of the most ambitious fortifications ever built by Romans - a 120 kilometers long defensive wall across the entire country with front ditch, Military Way and imposing earthwork called the Vallum. For almost 300 years, Hadrian's Wall was the Roman Empire most imposing frontier. " Hadrian's Wall. Black Carts Turret " app is a real-time virtual tour over 3D reconstruction of the turret and adjoining stretches of the Wall as it may looked like in 165 AD. If you want to feel like one of the roman soldiers from "ala Augusta ob virtutem appellata quingenaria" ( auxiliary cavalry unit ) patrolling the Wall, this app is for You. FEATURES: * Powered by Unreal Engine * Fully narrated Virtual 3D Tour of one of the turrets built by legio XX Valeria Victrix * Great for kids as supplementary history lesson (no In-App Purchases) Just let Your child explore our 3D reconstruction as any other game level * Detailed 3D reconstruction of Black Carts Turret based on latest archaeological excavations If You like the app, please rate it. Thank You.