Start blocking ads on Safari immediately. Ad blocking loads pages 4x faster, saves up to 50% of your data and much more! Crystal Adblock is easy to use and makes the browsing experience on your iPhone and iPad much more enjoyable. *Block all annoying ads on your iPhone and iPad* Ads will no longer clutter the small screen of your mobile device. Browse your favorite webpages without distractions from annoying banners and pop-ups. *Save up to 50% of your data* Ads can consume a really high percentage of your data plan. By blocking ads, Crystal Adblock helps to optimize the usage of your data for the online activities that matter to you. *Load pages 4x faster & enhance battery life* Browsing is sped up considerably with Crystal Adblock. The duration of your device’s battery life is also rapidly improved. *Stay safe and secure* Did you know that ads can hide malware and tracking? Protect yourself from these risks by using Crystal Adblock. A few words from satisfied users: ***** I couldn't be more pleased with how well this app performs ***** Simple, cheap and does what it says it does. Can't get better than that!! ***** Completely satisfied! You won't regret buying this app for less than a dollar. ***** Makes the Internet usable again . ***** SO NECESSARY Get Crystal Adblock now and enjoy ad-free browsing! Discover more at Facebook: Twitter: @_CrystalApp