Short translated phrases in English, phrases in English with translation into Arabic, we learn many beautiful meanings from them, phrases in English translated, easy words in English, simple long sentences resulting from the most important experiences in life, and here you will find the phrase translated so that you can use it as you like and you can choose Whatever suits your ideas and personality through translated phrases in English that vary in feelings and meanings.
Translated, easy, short English phrases to please everyone. The most important thing in life that we learn from judgment is the experiences of those who preceded us and learned from making mistakes and gave us their experience through some simple words expressing advice in many life situations. This is what you will find here through translated English phrases.

Translated phrases into English that are characterized by their simplicity and ease of structure. We present them to you in a variety of fields. They are also very useful for everyone who takes the right path to learn English, in addition to being phrases that are frequently used in our daily lives, as the learner learns about the most common phrases about love, about happiness, about life, about Hope for friendship is also translated motivational phrases and ambitious phrases, as well as many sad phrases, thank you and romantic phrases. Here you will see many Phrases in English.

Features of the application of phrases in English:

Easy to use interface Easy to navigate and fun app
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Works on all Android devices

The application contains phrases in English:

English phrases
Translated phrases
Translated English phrases
English phrases translated into Arabic
Long English sentences translated
Long sentences in English translated into Arabic
The most luxurious phrases in English
Essays about angels in english
English phrases translated into Arabic
Beautifully translated phrases in English
Short phrases translated into English
Easily translated phrases in English
Excellent phrases translated into English
English phrases
English phrases about love
English phrases about happiness
English phrases about life
English phrases about hope
English phrases about friendship