Fuego - What’s Hot? It’s a new story sharing app where users post pictures or videos on any topic you can think of and if you’re the first to post then you own the topic. Yep, it’s yours, just like a username. But unlike a username it’s not yours forever. Anyone can reply to you and you can reply to anyone else. If someone else gets more Fuego on their reply? They have a chance to steal the topic from you. If they steal it then they’re in charge and get to post a new top post. If you’re the first to post on #skating, #trump, #ratemyrig #NFTs - it’s yours. Get involved! If you’re the first to reply to any post? You’ll be right there for people to see when they drop into the feed. Explore the most popular topics and posts from people you know in the Discover Section. See personalised content in the main feed based on what you like. Check out and manage all the topics you follow in the Following page. So, what’s Fuego? Fuego is the currency in game that you collect by watching videos and posting on topics. If you watch a video? Get +1 Fuego. If you post on a topic and get some Fuego? You win some of it back. The more Fuego you have the more influence you have over what’s hot and what’s not. Just hold down the Fuego icon on a post you like and you can give it as much Fuego as you want until it runs out. Earn Fuego faster than you spend it by watching videos. Earn even more Fuego by replying and winning the competitions for the biggest topics. Tap it once or hold the Fuego icon down to give your favourite content some heat. Share your posts to your other social channels to get your friends and followers coming to put you in charge of some popular Fuego real estate. Whether it’s arguing over something you’re passionate about. Showing off a skill. Or just playing around with friends. Fuego is a social app all about interacting with other peoples content. It’s a competition to see who can post the coolest stuff on the most popular topics and it’s about seeing what happens when you put people posting 1 on 1 against each other with the crowd deciding what’s hot and what’s not.